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The State of                 Nickname                               Motto
Washington D.C.                                                Justice for all
华盛顿,哥伦比亚特区                                           对人要公平
Maryland                 The Old State/The Free State            Manly Deeds,行为果敢
马里兰州                    古老之州 / 自由之州               Womanly Words,语言温和
Delaware                 The First State/Diamond State           Liberty and Independence
特拉华州                      第一州 / 钻石之州                  自由和独立
Pennsylvania              Keystone State/The Quaker State        Virtue Liberty and Independence
宾夕法尼亚州                 拱顶之州 / 教友派之州               道德、自由和独立
New Jersey                Garden State                        Liberty and Prosperity
新泽西州                  花园之州                              自由与繁荣
New York                 Empire State                        Excelsior,永远前进
纽约州                    帝国之州                          Ever Upward,更上一层楼
Connecticut               Constitution State/Nutmeg State       He Who Transplanted Still Sustains
康涅狄格州                     宪法之州 / 豆蔻之州           越受挫折越强
Rhode Island              Ocean State/Little Rhody             Hope
罗德岛                    海洋之州 / 小罗得                 希望
Massachusetts             Old Colony                        By the Sword We Seek Peace. But Peace Only Under Liberty
马萨诸塞州               老殖民地/海湾之州                  我们用武力争取和平。我们需要自由之下的和平
Vermont                  Green Mountain State               Freedom and Unity
佛蒙特州                  绿山之州                          自由与统一
New Hampshire           The Granite State                   Live Free or Die
新罕布什尔州              花岗岩之州                        不自由毋宁死
Maine                   The Pine Tree State                  I Direct
缅因州                    松树之州                          我领导
Virginia                 The Old Dominion State              Thus Always To Tyrants
弗吉尼亚州               老自治领州                         永远打倒专制
                        Mother of president
West Virginia            Mountain State                      Mountaineers Are Always Free
西弗吉尼亚州             山岳之州                           山地人自由
Kentucky               Blue Grass State                     United We Stand,Divided We Fall
肯塔基州                 青草之州                           团结必胜,分裂必败
North Carolina          Tar Heel State/The Old North State     To Be Rather Than to Seem
北卡罗来纳州           焦油脚跟之州/老北州                  “是”总比“似乎”好
Tennessee               Volunteer State                      Agriculture and Commerce
田纳西州                志愿军州                            农与商
South Carolina          The Palmetto State                   While I breathe ,I hope.只要活着,就有希望
南卡罗来纳州            矮棕榈之州                        Prepared in Mind and Resourees,做好精神和物质准备

Georgia                Empire State of the South State        wisdom, sustice, and moderation
佐治亚州                南方帝国之州                       智慧、公平、温和
                       Peach State
Florida                The Sunshine State                  In God We Trust
佛罗里达州              阳光之州                         信赖上帝
Alabama               The State of Cotton                 We Dare Defend Our Rights
阿拉巴马州              棉花之州                         我们敢保卫我们的权利
Louisiana              Pelican State                       Union,Justice,Confidence
路易斯安那州            鹈鹕之州                          团结、公正、信心
Mississippi             The Magnolia State                 By Valor and Arms
密西西比州              木兰之州                         靠勇气和武器
Arkansas              Land of Opportunity                The People Rule
阿肯色州                机会之地                         人民管治
Illinois               The Inland Empire/The Prairie State   State Sovereignty—National Union
伊利诺州                     内陆帝国 / 草原之州         州主权,国团结
Indiana               Hoosier State                      The Crossroads of America
印第安纳州             苦干之州                         美国的十字路口
Michigan             Wolverine State                    If You Seek A Pleasant Peninsula,Look  About You
密歇根州              狼獾之州                         如果你找寻一个可爱的半岛,往这儿看
Ohio                 Buckeye State                     With God,All Things Are Possible
俄亥俄州              七树叶之州                       与上帝同在,何事不可能
Wisconsin            The Badger State                  Forward
威斯康星州            獾穴之州                        前进
Minnesota            North Star State                   Star of the North
明尼苏达州            北星之州                         北方之星
Iowa                 Hawkeye State                    Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain
衣阿华州              鹰眼之州                         重视自由;保有权利
Missouri             The Show—Me State               The Welfare of the People Shall Be the Supreme Law
密苏里州              有证据才相信之州                 人民的幸福是最高的法律
North Dakota         Sioux State                       Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable
北达科他州           苏族之州                         信仰自由不忘团结,注重眼前不忘未来,个人独立不忘整体
South Dakota         Coyote State/The Sunshine State     Under God,The People Rule
南达科他州             草狼之州/晴朗之州               在上帝下方,由人民管理
Nebraska            Beef State/The Cornhusker State     Equality Before The Law
内布拉斯加州         牛肉之州/玉米壳之州               法律面前,人人平等
Kansas              Sunflower State                   To the Stars Through Difficulties
堪萨斯州             向日葵之州                       排除万难,追光明
Montana            Treasure State/The Big Sky State     Gold and silver
蒙大拿州               财富之州 / 长空之州            金银
Wyoming           The Equality State/The Cowboy State  Equal Rights
怀俄明州                  平权之州 / 牛仔之州         权利平等
Colorado           Centennial State                    Nothing Without Providence
科罗拉多州           百年之州                         无上帝,无一切
Idaho              Gem State                         Let It Be Forever
爱达华州            宝石之州                          永远存在
Utah               Beehive State                      All For Our Country
犹他州              蜂房之州                         工业
Nevada            Sliver State/Sage Brush State         All For Our Country
内华达州            产银之州/山艾之州                一切为国家
Oklahoma          The Sooner State                  Labor Conquers All Things
俄克拉荷马州        捷足之州                        劳动征服一切
Texas              The Lone Star State                Friendship
得克萨斯            孤星之州                        友谊
New Mexico        Land of Enchantment              It Grows As It Goes
新墨西哥州         迷人之地                         向前走就能进步
Arizona           Grand Canyon State               God Enriches
亚利桑那州         大峡谷之州                      上帝使州富裕
Washington        The Evergreen State              By and By
华盛顿州           常绿之州                        不久
Oregon            Beaver State                    The Union
俄勒冈州           海獭之州                       团结
California         Golden State                    I Have Found It
加尼福尼亚州       黄金州                         我已找到它
Alaska            The Last Frontier               North to the Future
阿拉斯加州         最后的边疆                    向北发展
Hawaii            The Aloha State                The Life of the Land Is Perpetuated in Righteousness
夏威夷州           爱乐哈之州                    正义永存