微软的中国奴隶(17 pics)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/13 00:03:24

Slaves at Chinese Factory That Produces for Microsoft 

美国劳工委员会发布了一份报告,曝光了微软代工生产商昆盈(KEY)的“血汗工厂”事实。现在据官方媒体《中国日报》报道,中国确实发现微软在华电脑配件代工厂——台湾昆盈企业旗下华南两家工厂在雇用员工方面存在违规行为。报道称,尽管未发现昆盈企业在广东省的两家工厂有雇用未满16岁童工的现象,但上述工厂一直在无备案的情况下,雇用超过300名16岁至18岁之间的未成年工人。另一方面,昆盈企业极力否认了在中国大陆雇用童工的说法,并表示其雇员薪资水平也符合大陆法律的要求。该公司还称,为员工提供了足够的食物,而且员工加班也只限于生产高峰期。 微软调查童工和恶劣工作环境丑闻  

NLA made a report about the working environment in Chinese company KYE which manufactures products for Microsoft: gamepads, mice, keyboards. Report shows facts about KYE’s employees treated there as slaves. The staff is working for 90 hours per week, receiving 52 cents per hour (about 200 dollars a month), they are forbidden to talk to each other, to go to the bathroom during working hours (which makes a 15-hour shift) and to leave the factory. They live in dormitories, 14 people in a room, they are beaten and female workers are very often sexually harassed by security guards and many more.

The employees say that they don’t have a life, they have only work. They sleep, get up very early, go to work, come back and go to sleep. And this circle never stops until they decide to leave the factory or to flee.


Photos from the report NLA: 


There is not enough room inside the factories’ premises, in a workshop of 100 by 100 feet, can work about 1000 workers, air-conditioning is turned on only during visits to the superiors or customers. 

“A partial list of KYE buyers”

According to the employees, Microsoft products are a big part of all that this factory produces. Normally, in such cases, the buyer representative is present there to control the quality. NLA intends to find out whether there is a company representative from Microsoft. 

Officially, the majority of workers listed as “Work study” students are doing the training there. The youngest "students" are 14-15 years old.

Here’s the training card of one of the youngest KYE workers.

The workers say the food is terrible, and they should pay it from their pocket.

They can go outside but as they don’t have the right to wear KYE uniforms outside the factory they don’t have much time as well to change, go out, buy lunch, eat it and come back to work.

They have special “food cards” to pay for the factory food, if a worker buys a month card, he is “rewarded” with free treats two times a month. Usually, it is a fruit or a chicken leg. 

A typical shift is from 7:45 a.m. to 10:55 p.m.

When workers make mistakes or drop products on the floor, they are punished. As punishment, they are humiliated in front of their friends and co-workers or forced to clean the bathrooms.


To "shower," workers use a small plastic bucket with hot water to have a sponge bath.

The lights are out at 11 p.m. 


From NLA report:

Even when workers are on leave and not working, 

factory management restricts their freedom of movement:

Workers can only leave the factory compound during regulated periods:

On weekdays, Monday through Saturday:                11:00 a.m. to 12 noon

On weekday evenings, Monday through Saturday:   6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

On Sundays:                                                                7:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

