
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/20 07:52:35
外贸财务英语 Equitable interest 衡平权利6 @5 w5 u- f  h
Equitable rate base 公平费率基础(公用事业用)
:Equity ratio 主权比率;衡平权比率% S& `% O3 @. v4 V
Errors in posting 过帐错误 Errors of commission 记帐错误 Errors of compensation 相抵错误
Errors of omission 遗漏错误6 A" ?+ P. e7 g. K
Errors of principles 原理错误www.86trader.com0 k4 [& Y: ?! j5 C" N4 ]1 M# ~
Estate 遗产;财产
Estate accounting 遗产会计. ?" E' l; N! K% z7 v
Estate corpus 遗产本值中国外贸人论坛/ k! B1 t$ M* f. C: H1 C. G: u
Estate income 遗产收益
Estate tax遗产税; B/ ~" b, u: J9 w% W% y! f
Estimate 估计- N! w! [( F9 y1 Z
Estimated balance sheet 估计资产负债表
Estimated costs 估计成本
Estimated cost system 估计成本制度
Estimated cost value 估计成本价值中国外贸人论坛3 i( S3 T! D7 l- ?  F8 l
Estimated life 估计寿命;估计年限www.86trader.com, _  R! |7 S  v$ J) e) `) b1 d
Estimated loss form sales 预计销售损失
Estimated loss from sales valuation of merchandise inventory 按售价估计存货损失9 r" _, g. a5 d/ q% ?+ \3 @
Estimated market value 估计市价
Estimated physical life 估计实际年限: A5 F6 b& @) a) K; z
Estimated profit and loss statement 估计损益表中国外贸人论坛% u; t  v* }4 ]$ m( M  D. T
Estimated profit form sales 预计销售利益
 Estimated revenue 岁入预算数;预计营业收入
Estimated service life 估计使用所限$ w" w4 d1 O' G5 Z# O5 a1 e
Estimated statement 估计表
Estimates 估计;概算
Estimates of expenditure(s) 风气出概算书中国外贸人论坛* \/ G- N( k" z. Z- L* c
Estimates of revenue 岁入概算书6 i% n4 e8 w# }& d5 E, K
Estimating cost system 估计成本制
Evidence record 凭证记录www.86trader.com' u7 e" B; ^0 z/ s5 A2 x
Evidences 凭证
Exact quantity 确数
Excess capacity 超额(生产)能量
Excess earnings 超额收益5 @; k9 \$ r' m" X- g
Excess profit tax 过分利得税1 g% |5 G( r; N; K# U2 U
Exchange 兑换;汇兑
Exchange commission 兑换佣金- G# t$ [$ P* W+ M, J5 Q) x. r
Exchange movement 汇兑价变动+ ?' o; h( W! W- `) ?
Exchange premium 贴进2 O. D" e+ q3 c2 P! U2 @! E) |( V, S
Exchange rate 汇价! y( b$ Z) N4 x0 D; J6 I, n
Excise tax 营业税
Extraordinary profits 非常利益
Extraordinary receipts 特殊门收入