
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/24 02:56:36





Article 128

Germany renounces infavour of China all benefits and privileges resulting from theprovisions of the final Protocol signed at Peking on September 7, 1901,and from all annexes, notes and documents supplementary thereto. Shelikewise renounces in favour of China any claim to indemnities accruingthereunder subsequent to March 14, 1917.

Article 129

From the coming intoforce of the present Treaty the High Contracting Parties shall apply,in so far as concerns them respectively:

(1) The Arrangement of August 29, 1902, regarding the new Chinese customs tariff;

(2) The Arrangement of September 27, 1905, regarding Whang-Poo, and the provisional supplementary Arrangement of April 4, 1912.

China, however, willno longer be bound to grant to Germany the advantages or privilegeswhich she allowed Germany under these Arrangements.

Article 130

Subject to theprovisions of Section VIII of this Part, Germany cedes to China all thebuildings, wharves and pontoons, barracks, forts, arms and munitions ofwar, vessels of all kinds, wireless telegraphy installations and otherpublic property belonging to the German Government, which are situatedor may be in the German Concessions at Tientsin and Hankow or elsewherein Chinese territory.

It is understood,however, that premises used as diplomatic or consular residences oroffices are not included in the above cession, and, furthermore, thatno steps shall be taken by the Chinese Government to dispose of theGerman public and private property situated within the so-calledLegation Quarter at Peking without the consent of the DiplomaticRepresentatives of the Powers which, on the coming into force of thepresent Treaty, remain Parties to the Final Protocol of September 7,1901.

Article 131

Germany undertakes torestore to China within twelve months from the coming into force of thepresent Treaty all the astronomical instruments which her troops in1900-1901 carried away from China, and to defray all expenses which maybe incurred in effecting such restoration, including the expenses ofdismounting, packing, transporting, insurance and installation inPeking.

Article 132

Germany agrees to theabrogation of the leases from the Chinese Government under which theGerman Concessions at Hankow and Tientsin are now held.

China, restored to thefull exercise of her sovereign rights in the above areas, declares herintention of opening them to international residence and trade. Shefurther declares that the abrogation of the leases under which theseconcessions are now held shall not affect the property rights ofnationals of Allied and Associated Powers who are holders of lots inthese concessions.

Article 133

Germany waives allclaims against the Chinese Government or against any Allied orAssociated Government arising out of the internment of German nationalsin China and their repatriation. She equally renounces all claimsarising out of the capture and condemnation of German ships in China,or the liquidation, sequestration or control of German properties,rights and interests in that country since August 14, 1917. Thisprovision, however, shall not affect the rights of the partiesinterested in the proceeds of any such liquidation, which shall begoverned by the provisions of Part X (Economic Clauses) of the presentTreaty.

Article 134

Germany renounces infavour of the Government of His Britannic Majesty the German Stateproperty in the British Concession at Shameen at Canton. She renouncesin favour of the French and Chinese Governments conjointly the propertyof the German school situated in the French Concession at Shanghai.



Article 156

Germany renounces, infavour of Japan, all her rights, title and privileges¯particularlythose concerning the territory of Kiaochow, railways, mines andsubmarine cables­which she acquired in virtue of the Treaty concludedby her with China on March 6 1898, and of all other arrangementsrelative to the Province of Shantung.

All German rights inthe Tsingtao-Tsinanfu Railway, including its branch lines together withits subsidiary property of all kinds, stations, shops, fixed androlling stock, mines, plant and material for the exploitation of themines, are and remain acquired by Japan, together with all rights andprivileges attaching thereto.

The German Statesubmarine cables from Tsingtao to Shanghai and from Tsingtao to Chefoo,with all the rights, privileges and properties attaching thereto, aresimilarly acquired by Japan, free and clear of all charges andencumbrances.

Article 157

The movable andimmovable property owned by the German State in the territory ofKiaochow, as well as all the rights which Germany might claim inconsequence of the works or improvements made or of the expensesincurred by her, directly or indirectly, in connection with thisterritory, are and remain acquired by Japan, free and clear of allcharges and encumbrances.

Article 158

Germany shall handover to Japan within three months from the coming into force of thepresent Treaty the archives, registers, plans, title-deeds anddocuments of every kind, wherever they may be, relating to theadministration, whether civil, military, financial, judicial or other,of the territory of Kiaochow.

Within the same periodGermany shall give particulars to Japan of all treaties, arrangementsor agreements relating to the rights, title or privileges referred toin the two preceding Articles.



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