3- to 5-Year-Olds 3到5岁儿童派对游戏

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/25 15:09:58
3- to 5-Year-Olds 3到5岁儿童派对游戏 « 于: 一月 11, 2008, 09:13:06 pm »
The "Again, Again!" Game
Inspired by the Teletubbies love of repeating things, this copycat game is similar to Simon Says--only no one is ever out or makes the wrong move.

Crown (optional)

1. One parent gets to put on a golden crown and play the leader. This parent stands in front of a line of Teletubbies and sings a nursery rhyme like "Jack and Jill went up the hill . . .", acting out the action.

2. The leader can have the Teletubbies sing and perform the song "Head, shoulders, knees and toes"--toddlers love to reach up to their heads and bend down to their toes.

Duck, Duck, Goose
This racing-chasing game is guaranteed fun for ducks and geese alike. It also adapts readily to any party theme.


1. All of the children except one sit in a circle facing each other. The remaining person goes around the circle, tapping each child gently on the head and saying "duck."

2. When the tapper says "goose," the child whose head was just touched jumps up and chases the tapper around the circle.

3. The tapper in turn tries to get all the way back to the goose's spot without getting tagged by the goose. If the tapper succeeds, the goose becomes the new tapper and the game continues. But if the goose catches the tapper, the tapper continues his or her walk around the circle.

Play "Drop the Hanky." Instead of sitting down, the players stand in a circle facing each other. Another person walks outside the circle, and drops a handkerchief (or piece of cloth) at the feet of one of the players. That player then picks it up and chases the hanky dropper, who races around the circle and tries to capture the other person's space without getting tagged.

Ha! Ha! Ha!
Sometimes called Gigglebelly, Ha! Ha! Ha! is an exercise in the ridiculous.


1. On the floor or in the grass, have the kids lie down in any formation as long as every child has his or her head on another child's belly (the kids should form a chain, so that every child has another player's head resting on his or her belly, as well).

2. At the whistle, the first child you point to should say "Ha!" The one whose head is on that child's belly should then say "Ha! Ha!" the third should say "Ha! Ha! Ha!" and so on.

3. If you can make it all the way through the line before pandemonium results, you may indeed have a group of professional clowns in your midst.

Hot Potato
In this elimination game, very similar to musical chairs, players try to avoid being the last one left--holding the potato.

Soft rubber ball or beanbag

1. This game can be played with a soft rubber ball, a damp sponge or a homemade beanbag. To make a beanbag, pour half a cup of dried beans into a plastic bag, squeeze out most of the air, tie the bag with a twist tie, place it into an old sock, then tie off the sock with a knot or another twist tie.

2. Everyone sits in a circle except for the "caller." The caller closes his or her eyes, and the rest of the players pass around the "potato."

3. When the caller calls "Stop!" whoever has the potato leaves the circle--which is why the players toss the potato along as fast as they can (it's also why you want to use a soft "potato" that won't hurt anyone if things get wild).

4. The game is over when only one person is left. The sole remaining player becomes the caller in the next game.

Jungle Charades
A great mixer for new arrivals, this game gets even the bashful hissing and howling.

Old magazines
Index cards

1. Before the party, sort through old magazines with your child, cutting out pictures of animals and pasting them on index cards.

2. At the party, each child gets a turn to pick a card. She must then act out her creature (no words are allowed, but animal noises are encouraged) until the others shout out her identity.

3. When the animal is guessed, the rest of the party goers get to jump up and act out the same animal together.

Mother, May I?
This traditional game can be played with a group of children just about anywhere, anytime--perfect for birthday parties.


1. One child serves as "Mother." The other kids line up and face Mother about 20 feet away. Mother selects one of the children and says something like, "Susan, you may take five giant steps." The child who was addressed then responds with, "Mother, may I?" Mother then says, "Yes, you may."

2. Mother then addresses another child, and the game continues until one of the children reaches Mother. Whoever makes it to Mother first becomes Mom for the next round.

3. Sound simple? It is. Except that in the excitement of the game, someone is bound to take their steps without asking "Mother, may I?" When that happens Mother reminds the player of his or her manners and the player is sent back to the beginning of the line.

4. Mother can also make the game intriguing by only honoring the silly step--"twirly" steps, one-foot hops and so on.

For an older kids variation, try this one: "Fourth-Cousin-Once-Removed on My Father's Side, May I . . .?"

The Secret Message Game
A Madeline and her schoolmates activity based on the classic telegraph game send the message without interception.


1. Players sit in a circle on the floor holding hands, while Miss Clavel sits in the center of the circle.

2. One of the girls in the circle begins the Secret Message by squeezing the hand of the girl next to her.

3. This continues around the circle with the object of returning the message to the original player.

4. At any point Miss Clavel thinks she can intercept the message, she points at the player she thinks is passing it. If she's right, Miss Clavel switches places with the player. If she's wrong, the game continues until she catches someone in the act of passing the message.

Throwing the Smile
In this game, players are forbidden to smile, but trust us--giggling and laughing will abound.

A place where everyone can sit in a circle

1. Players sit in a circle, making sure they can see everyone else. One player who is It starts the game by smiling widely, while all the other players are somber. It then uses his hand to wipe the smile off his face and throw it to another player who has to catch the smile with his hand and put it on.

2. This new It can then wipe off the smile to throw to someone else--though he will probably choose to mug wildly at everyone for a few minutes before relinquishing his happy role. Meanwhile, all other players must sit stone-faced. One smirk and they're out.

The youngest players are the least successful at winning this game (they simply can't stop themselves from laughing), but they also tend to enjoy it the most.