儿童派对游戏 Party Games

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/20 19:46:52

儿童派对当然缺少不了游戏 - 可以是亲子游戏,孩子之间的游戏,为家长设计的游戏,或者所有人一起参加的游戏。孩子在参加完派对后,他们大部分会记得他们在派对里面玩过什么,而不是吃过了什么或者说过了什么。当然他们吃的东西需要健康,并且需要符合他们的兴趣与口味。小朋友感兴趣的东西有很多,从很简单的手工到有挑战性的团队游戏,他们都能在细心安排和带领下非常的投入,并学习当中的精髓。根据派对类型和主题,可以设计不同的活动,从开始设计那一刻(一两个月派对前)就可以动起来。 派对是一个过程,他们享受的可能是一天的派对,但他们能回忆的是整个派对前后的准备与跟进的所有过程。


Tips for Kids Party Games

It takes more than balloons, streamers and matching plates to create a birthday party or other parties your child will never forget! Often, what makes a child's party a huge hit is a simply prepared game or activity. We've collected our favorite party games and traditional party games that can be played as-is or adapted to your party theme. If this is your first children's birthday party and you are bit intimidated, don't worry. We also have tips and advice from our party professionals. 

Click on the games by ages on the right hand menu to skip.

What games are right for my party?

First you'll need to select a party theme. Then ask your child what they would like to play at their party. You can purchase pre- prepared party games or adapt a traditional party game so that it works with your theme. For instance...
"Duck, Duck, Goose can be changed to "Princess, Princess, Knight" or Spiderman, Spiderman, Green Goblin" etc.  With some artistic skills, markers and poster board, Pin the Tail on the Donkey can be turned into "Pin the Crown on the Princess".

Next, you need to consider your party space and whether you'll need to play indoors. We recommend that you select games that can be played indoors and outdoors or have a few easy games planned in case there is a weather change.

Some games will be a hit and others will be a  "dud". When appropriate, ask your child to participate in the party game planning. If they think it's a fun game... their friends probably will too. Consider your party space and the age group of the children.

 Be Flexible
If you sense that a party game is not going well, let it go and move on the next activity.
Or, make a quick adaptation to an existing game. If your party games are dependant on the weather...be prepared to take the party indoors if necessary.

Be Prepared
Have all games set up and ready to go before the party. Make sure you understand how the games is played.
Everyone is a Winner
Parties are a time to have fun. We always suggest that all participants receive a prize or none at all. Especially when entertaining very young children who don't have a grasp on good sportsmanship. Consider playing most, if not all games without prizes but everyone gets a candy or sticker. Then when all of the games are complete...everyone receives their goody bags.