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  赵鼎新教授将来人大社会学系讲授《社会与政治运动研究》课程       发布时间:2007-08-28   信息来源:社会学视野网    

赵鼎新 教授将来我系讲授《社会与政治运动研究》课程






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赵鼎新 教授毕业于加拿大McGill University,先后获昆虫学和社会学两个博士学位。1996年到芝加哥大学社会学系任教至今,主要研究方向为政治社会学、集体行为与社会运动、历史社会学和国家社会学。他著有Power of Tiananmen一书(University of Chicago Press,2001), 以及国内第一本社会运动研究教材——《政治与社会运动讲义》(社会科学文献出版社,2006)。他最近的一本中文著作为《东周战争与儒法国家的诞生》(上海人民出版社,2006)。更详细的情况,可参见他的网页:http://sociology.uchicago.edu/faculty/zhao.html。


:《社会与政治运动研究》课程大纲.doc (72.50 KB)
Week One – A general overview1. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social  Sciences Academic Press (chapters 1-2).  / 社会与政治运动讲义 [专著]   / 赵鼎新著. -- 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第1-2章2. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). (Preface, the Taiwan edition). Week Two - Classic perspectives and structural approaches 3. LeBon, Gustave. 1979. The Crowd. Indianapolis: Liberty Press. /乌合之众:大众心理研究 / (法)古斯塔夫•勒庞(Gustave Le Bon)著; 冯克利译. --北京: 中央编译出版社, 20004. Blumer, Herbert. 1946. “Elementary Collective Behavior.” Pp.170-77 in New Outline of the Principles of Sociology, edited by Alfred McClung Lee. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc.  5. Gurr, Ted. 1970. Why Men Rebel. Princeton University Press; chapter 2.
Breakdown theories and Marxists6. Kornhauser W. 1959. The Politics of Mass Society. Free Press; chapter 3.7. Moore, Barrington, Jr. 1966. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Beacon Press; chapters 4, 5. /民主和专制的社会起源 [专著] / (美)摩 尔(Moore,B.)著; 拓夫等译. --北京: 华夏出版社, 1987.10,第4-5章8. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (chapters 3-5). /  社会与政治运动讲义/ 赵鼎新著. -- 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第3-5章
Week Three - State-Centered tradition9. Goodwin, Jeff, and Theda Skocpol. 1989. "Explaining Revolutions in the Contemporary Third World. Politics and Society 17: 489-509.10. Mann, Michael. 1993. The Sources of Social Power. Vol. 2. Cambridge University  Press; chapters 17 and 18. 社会权力的来源. 第二卷 [专著] / (英)迈克尔•曼(Michael Mann)著; 陈海宏等译. -- 上海:上海人民出版社, 2007, 第17-18章11. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (chapters 6-7). /社会与政治运动讲义/ 赵鼎新著.-- 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第6-7章 Week Four: a) Rational choice and game theoretical models12. Olson, Mancur. 1965. The Logic of Collective Action. Harvard University Press./集体行动的逻辑/ (美)曼瑟尔•奥尔森(Mancur Olson)著; 陈郁等译. --上海: 三联书店上海分店: 上海人民出版社, 199513. Fireman Bruce, and William A. Gamson. 1979. “Utilitarian Logic in the Resource  Mobilization.” Pp.8-44 in The Dynamics of Social Movements, edited by Mayer Zald, and John D. McCarthy. Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop.b) Resource mobilization and political process model 14. McAdam, Doug. 1982. Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930-1970. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; chapters 2 and 3.15. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (chapters 8-9). / 社会与政治运动讲义/ 赵鼎新著. -- 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第8-9章16.  Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (chapters 3-5). /  社会与政治运动讲义/ 赵鼎新著. -- 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第3-5章 Week Five:a) Political opportunity and social movement17. Gamson, William A., and David S. Meyer. 1996. “Framing Political Opportunity.”  Pp.275-90 in Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements, b)  Strategic framing18. Snow, David A., E. Burke Rochford Jr., Steven K. Worden, and Robert D. Benford. 1986. "Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation." American Sociological Review 51:464-81.
c) Emotions and culture in social movementsa) Traditional approaches19. Sewell, William H. Jr. 1985. "Ideologies and Social Revolutions: Reflections on the French Case." Journal of Modern History 57: 57-85.b) Structural-relational approaches 20. Zhao Dingxin. 2000. “State-Society Relations and the Discourses and Activities during the 1989 Beijing Student Movement. American Journal of Sociology, 105: 1592-632.21. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (chapters 9-10). 社会与政治运动讲义/ 赵鼎新著. -- 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第9-10章
Week Six - Mobilization structure22. Snow, David, et al. 1980. "Social Networks and Social Movements: A Microstructural Approach to Differential Recruitment." American Sociological Review 45: 787-801. 23. Gould, Roger. Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871. American Sociological Review 56:716-29.
24. Zhao, Dingxin. 1998. “Ecologies of Social Movements: Student Mobilization during the  1989 Pro-democracy Movement in Beijing.” American Journal of Sociology 103: 1493-529.25. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (chapter 11). / 社会与政治运动讲义/ 赵鼎新著. -- 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第11章
Week Seven a) Media and public opinion26. Molotch, Harvey. 1980. Media and Movements. Pp.71-93 in The Dynamics of Social Movements. Winthrop.b) New social movements27. Meyer David S., and Sidney Tarrow. 1998. The Social Movement Society. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; chapter 1.28. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (chapters 12-13). /社会与政治运动讲义/ 赵鼎新著. -- 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第12-13章
Week Eight: Methods of social movement research29. Wu, Lili, and Dingxin Zhao. 2007. “The Dilemma of the Charismatic Power: The Rise and Development of the Cultural Revolution in Ningxia.” The 21st Century. No.101: 58-70.30. Sun, Yanfei, and Dingxin Zhao. 2007. "Explaining Dynamics and Outcomes of Environmental Campaigns in China: Multi-actor State and Diverse Civil Society" In a book edited by Kevin O'brien and Rachel Stern. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.31.  Xu, Jin and Dingxin Zhao. 2007. “State Capacity and the Dynamics of Tax Riots during Late Ming China.” Sociological Research (Shehuixue Yanjiu). No.1: 1-22.
32. Zhao, Dingxin. 2006. Social Movements and Revolutions (in Chinese). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (chapter 13). 社会与政治运动讲义/ 赵鼎新著. -- 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社, 2006, 第13章