python包包收集 - shake863 - JavaEye技术网站

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/18 20:31:13
python包包收集 的jbj写道:我很喜欢Python,Python具有强大的扩展能力,我列出了50个很棒的Python模块,包含几乎所有的需要:比如Databases,GUIs,Images, Sound, OS interaction, Web,以及其他。推荐收藏。
Graphical interface wxPython
Graphical interface pyGtk
Graphical interface pyQT
Graphical interface Pmw
Graphical interface Tkinter 3000
Graphical interface Tix
Database MySQLdb
Database PyGreSQL
Database Gadfly
Database SQLAlchemy
Database psycopg
Database kinterbasdb
Database cx_Oracle
Database pySQLite
MSN Messenger msnlib
MSN Messenger pymsn
MSN Messenger msnp
Network Twisted
Images PIL
Images gdmodule
Images VideoCapture
Sciences and Maths scipy
Sciences and Maths NumPy
Sciences and Maths numarray
Sciences and Maths matplotlib
Games Pygame
Games Pyglet
Games PySoy
Games pyOpenGL
Jabber jabberpy
Web scrape
Web Beautiful Soup
Web pythonweb
Web mechanize
Localisation geoname.py
Serial port pySerial
Serial port USPP
Parallel Port pyParallel
USB Port pyUSB
Windows ctypes
Windows pywin32
Windows pywinauto
Windows pyrtf
Windows wmi
PDA/GSM/Mobiles pymo
PDA/GSM/Mobiles pyS60
Sound pySoundic
Sound pyMedia
Sound FMOD
Sound pyMIDI
GMail libgmail
Google pyGoogle
Expect pyExpect
WordNet pyWordNet
Command line cmd
Compiler backend llvm-py
3D VPython
pyDes DES加密解密模块
parsing pyparsing 类似lex/yacc但更简单的词法/语法分析器