
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/23 21:41:17
到目前为止,JavaScript 是一种不完全支持面向对象特性的脚本语言。之所以这样说是因为 JavaScript 的确支持对象的概念,在程序中我们看到都是对象,可是 Javascipt 并不支持类的封装和继承。JavaScript 的确支持自定义对象和继承,不过使用的是另外一种方式:prototype(中文译作:原型)。用过 JavaScript 的或者读过《设计模式》的读者都会了解这种技术,描述如下:
每个对象都包含一个 prototype 对象,当向对象查询一个属性或者请求一个方法的时候,运行环境会先在当前对象中查找,如果查找失败则查找其 prototype 对象。注意 prototype 也是一个对象,于是这种查找过程同样适用在对象的 prototype 对象中,直到当前对象的 prototpye 为空。
在 JavaScript 中,对象的 prototype 在运行期是不可见的,只能在定义对象的构造函数时,创建对象之前设定。
使用 Modello 编写的类所具备如下特性:
Modello 还具有以下特性:
·设计期和运行期彻底分离,使用继承的时候不需要使用 prototype,也不需要先创建父类的实例
·兼容 prototype.js 的类,兼容 JavaScript 构造函数
·开放源代码,BSD licenced,允许免费使用在个人项目或者商业项目中
使用 Modello 编写的类功能可以媲美使用 Atlas 编写的类,并且使用起来更简洁。如果你想用 Modello 框架代替 prototype.js 中的简单类框架,只需要先包含 modello.js,然后去掉 prototype.js 中定义 Class 的几行代码即可,一切将正常运行。
Modello 的完整参考说明和下载地址:http://modello.sourceforge.net/
JavaScript Class Framework
Modello is a lightweight framework that enables you to write JavaScript class like other class-based object-oriented programming language. It introduces class, class-based inheritance, multi-inheritance, private members, RTTI and more into JavaScript. Modello can help you write more readable, reusable and maintainable JavaScript code.
前两个问题可以通过封装 XMLHTTPRequest 对象来解决,第三个问题的解决方法有很多中,兼容性和移植性比较好的就是在本域服务器上放置一个中转 proxy 。Modello.ajax 就是提供这套解决方案的工具集。
Multi-Language Syntax Highlighter
ColorCode is a multi-language syntax source code highlighter. It is designed to be very easy to use and extend. There is two parts in ColorCode: client-side script and back-end render. You can redefine the color scheme in client-side vias changing the CSS file, and you can also define a new syntax for the language which ColorCode does not support. ColorCode use PEAR's Text_Highlighter as it's back-end render, and supports 14 languages syntax:
c++, css, diff, dtd, html, java, javascript, mysql, perl, php, python, ruby, sql, xml
First, include modello.js, ajax.js, colorcode.js and colorcode.css into your html page. Second, define COLORCODE_BACK_END macro. Third, create and ColorCode object and call it's apply() function. And then use textarea tag to wrap the code that need to be rendered with ColorCode.
Nifty Corners Cube
JavaScript 圆角(斜角)矩形,同样使用起来也很快捷。
Nifty Corners Cube官方网址:http://www.html.it/articoli/niftycube/index.html
Nifty Corners Cube are a solution to get rounded corners without images, and this third version is build by three main components:
·A javascript file, named "niftycornerscube.js"
·A CSS file, named "niftycorners.css"
·The javascript calls specific for the pages
Now we're now ready to look at the first example: it's a div with big rounded corners thanks to Nifty Corners. As I said before, the CSS file it's added automatically by javascript. In fact, the only reference to an external file in the example is the following:
Regarding the third point, as is the javascript calls needed for the page, the code for the example is the following: