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李亮:高考英语听力提高技巧连载(1) 时间:2010-02-08  作者:李亮  来源:北京新东方     3. 弄清否定的含义 (否定类)



  提起否定词,不少同学自然会想到no, not, never等词。然而听力测试中的否定概念并非局限于此。一些含否定意义的副词、形容词、代词、连词、动词、名词及前后缀也常在句子中间执着地表示否定的含义,如rarely, hardly, seldom, scarcely, few, little, none, nobody, nothing, neither, nor, beyond, fail, miss, refuse, dislike, impossible等。但在这些否定词中,对否定对象的否定程度却有不同,有的是完全否定,有的是部分否定,有的否定大部分,还有的否定小部分。我们应体会其中的差异从而准确地理解语义。


  When she heard that news, she could hardly control her feelings.

  (当她听到那消息时,她几乎不能抑制住她的感情。) 句中的hardly是半否定词,意思是“几乎不,简直不”,对could control作大部分否定。


  Nobody believes what he said.



  Professor Wang seldom watches TV at night.

  (王教授晚上很少看电视。)seldom是半否定词,与only occasionally 同义。对watch作部分否定,意思是王教授有时在晚上还是看电视的,但只是偶尔看看。


  M: Have you read anything good recently?

  W: Nothing you would like.

  Q: What does the woman mean?



  M: What kind of drink would you like? Coke or coffee?

  W: Neither, but actually I prefer Chinese tea to any other drink.

  Q: What does the woman mean?



  The good and the beautiful do not always go together.

  (善与美不总是并存的。)not always为部分否定,与sometimes同义,为“有时”、“不经常”的意思。  



  out of the question    完全不可能,办不到

  not in the least       一点也不,与not at all 同义。

  Not…until…          直到……才……

  no more…than…(或not…any more than…)    和……一样地不……

  neither…nor…   既不……也不……

  can't help but…   不禁

  won't…unless…  除非……不会……



  M: Can you possibly lend me $ 10?

  W: It's out of the question.

  Q: What do you learn about the woman?

  只要理解短语out of the question为“不可能”的否定含义,就很容易找出正确答案。这里需要注意的是与短语out of question的区别,后者是“毫无疑问”的肯定含义。漏听了冠词the就会得出相反的结论。


  Neither I nor he knows anything about it.



  One does not know the value of health until he loses it.



  Jack is no more diligent (not diligent any more) than John.

  (约翰很懒,杰克也不勤奋。)句中no more…than…(或not…any more than)否定两者。



  (1)too…to…     太……以至不能……

  (2)so…that (as to)+否定词     如此……以至(不能)……

  (3)It is impossible to…    ……是不可能的

  (4)the last+名词+动词不定式(或从句)    极少可能的……,最不合适的……

  (5)Never before+(倒装语序)…     从来没有


  Are you sure you're speaking the truth? It sounds too good to be true.



  He was so excited as to forget most what he meant to say.



  He is the last man I want to see.



   Never before have I heard Mr. Wang sing such beautiful songs.



  It is impossible for him to write out such good composition.


  4. 把握对话中的场景特色词汇(场景和人物身份判断类)




  M: Could you tell me the departure time of this flight?

  W: Certainly, the flight takes off at 2 p. m.

  Q: Where does the conversation take place?


  W: You were absent from class yesterday, Tom. Where were you?

  M: I couldn't come, Mrs. Smith. I hurt my foot and my father took me to the doctor's.

  Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?


  W: The music and the flowers are lovely.

  M: Yes, I hope that the food is good, too.

  Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


  W: Can I help you, sir?

  M: Yes. Do you have this coat in a larger size?

  Q: What is the woman?

  我们根据例25对话中出现的departure time(起飞时间)虽然超纲,但是flight(飞机),takes off(起飞)这些反映机场特征的词汇可以判定该对话发生在机场, 对话者为旅客和机场服务人员。例26的对话者是老师和学生,其中的关键词是absent from class(缺课)。例27的对话场所是餐馆,判断的依据是关键词food。尽管对话中还出现了music和判断的依据是关键词flowers,但也不可能是在花店或音乐厅。因为餐馆中会有花和音乐,而花店与音乐厅不可能与food有关。在例28的对话中,根据 Can I help you (服务用语)和男方回答中出现的coat,可以判定女方的职业是售货员(salesgirl).
