A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 4

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A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 4

Generating a full-fledged Visual Studio build system for a non-trivial system involves multiple projects

ByGigi Sayfan
October 23, 2009

Gigi Sayfan specializes in cross-platform object-oriented programmingin C/C++/ C#/Python/Java with emphasis on large-scale distributedsystems. He is currently trying to build intelligent machines inspiredby the brain at Numenta (www.numenta.com).

A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 1
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 2
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 3
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 4
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 5

This is the fourth article in a series of articles that explore an innovative build system for complicated projects. Part 1 and Part 2 discussed build systems in general and the internals of the ideal build system that can integrate with existing build systems. Part 3discussed in detail how to the ideal build system works with theNetBeans IDE and can generate its build files. This article will do thesame for Microsoft Visual Studio.

Generating the Visual Studio build System

As you recall, Isaac the development manager became a true InvisibleBuild System (ibs) convert after seeing ibs in action. He gave Bob themandate to use ibs on Windows to build the company's top-secret project:"Hello World - Enterprise Platinum Edition". The Windows developers ofthe company sweat by Visual Studio. Visual C++ supports a makefile-likebuild environment via the NMAKE tool, but it is not very common. VisualStudio provides both an IDE-based build environment for C/C++ projectsas well as several alternatives for automated builds from the commandline (vcbuild.exe, Visual Studio automation and extensibility objectmodel, direct invocation of devenv.exe). The build files shared by allthese approaches (except NMAKE) are the project and the solution. Thereis one project file per logical project and it encapsulates all theinformation about a project (same as the Makefile + nbproject directoryof NetBeans). The solution is a collection projects and it correspondsthe project group of NetBeans.

Figure 1 shows the Visual Studio IDE with the various Hello World projects organized in folders (apps, dlls, hw, and test).

Figure 1

The Visual Studio build System Anatomy

The Visual Studio build files are considerably simpler then NetBeans.There is a single project file, which is a pretty straight forward XMLfile and there is a solution file, which uses (unfortunately) aproprietary text format. Figure 2 shows the project properties page forthe hello_world application. There many many options and settings in GUIand most of them have default values. The project file contains onlythe settings that differ from the defaults (and settings that don't havedefaults and must be specified). The format of the .vcproj file isdocumented here.

Figure 2

Project file (.vcproj)

The entire build information for a project is stored in a single file.Let's examine the project file for the main hello_world application.I'll analyze it section by section. It all starts with an XML 1.0 tag toindicate it is an XML file and then there is a VisualStudioProjectelement with various attributes. The important ones are the projecttype (Visual C++), the version (9.00 for VC++ 2008), the name("hello_world") and the ProjectGUID, which uniquely identifies thisproject.

The next section is the platforms section, which determines the target platforms. In this case just Win32:


There is an empty ToolFiles element. This element can point tocustom build rules files. It is straightforward to use custom buildrules from the IDE, but doing it programmatically is not documented verywell (try thisif you must). This capability can be added easily to ibs in across-platform way via a callback mechanism where ibs will call back aprovided function before/after building each project.


The Configurations element is a collection of Configuration elements. Each configuration element contains a list of Toolelements where each tool is a program that participates in the buildprocess. The most common and important ones are the compiler and linker.Here is the Debug configuration. The Release configuration is very similar:


The References element may contain references to other projectsthat the current project depends on. The referenced projects will bebuilt before the current project. This is mostly critical for staticlibraries that need to be linked into an executable or DLL. But, thereis also an alternative way of specifying dependencies through thesolution file. The same project may belong to multiple solutions(possibly with different references/dependencies). Using the Referenceselement in the .vcproj file is not as flexible, but keeps thedependencies with the rest of the project metadata. In this case, Ichose to capture the dependencies in the solutions file, so thereferences element is empty.

The Files element simply contains all the project files. There are several filters like Header Files, Resource Files and Source Files.The filters are mostly important for user interface purposes becausethe different file types are grouped into folders based on the filter.For building purposes the compiler needs to know what extension to usefor source files, because these are the files that are actually compiled(header files are always #included by some source file). Filescan be specified using relative path or absolute path. It is almostalways better to use relative paths, so the same project file can beused in different locations by different users. Also, with ibs everyproject file resides under the project directory.

The Globals element allows definition of global objects. I'm notsure what are they and how they are supposed to be used. I never had theneed for any global object. ibs simply generates an empty Globals element:

Finally, the closing tag of the .vcproj file:

Solution File(.sln)

The solution file organizes all the projects in folders and optionallystores dependencies too. At the solution level, dependencies are morethan just build dependencies. As you recall build dependencies arealways executables or dynamic libraries that link against staticlibraries. But, there are other dependencies too. If you have anexecutable E that loads a dynamic library D you want to make sure that Dis up to date when you test E, so for testing purposes you may want toadd a dependency of E on D. This will cause D to be built before E isbuilt (although the order doesn't matter) and you can be confident thatyou test the same version of E and D.

Back to the solution file, the format is proprietary but fairly simple.The main concept is the "Project", which can be either a Visual Studioproject (captured in a .vcproj file in the case of ibs) or a virtualfolder that contains a number of other projects. The folders are notfile system folders, but are used in the Visual Studio IDE fororganizational purposes. Folders can be nested and can contain otherfolders or actual projects. Each project (either a real project or afolder) has a GUID (globally unique identifier) associated with it. The.sln file is using the GUIDs to refer to projects. The reason is thatthe solution may contain projects with identical names and it is easierto distinguish between them by GUID then by absolute path to a projectfile, which may not work in case of relative paths.

The file format consists of project elements that includes the projectdependencies if any followed by a few global sections that determine thefolder nesting and what projects participate in the build.

The dependencies are specified as GUIDs. The path to the project file isspecified if there is a project file. Here is the project section ofthe "testHello" test project:

Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testHello", "test\testHello\testHello.vcproj", "{5F46CA1C-88BC-4E19-BB65-8686B453441D}"ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject{D0736B61-D7AE-4B50-99FF-1AC604AF83D1} = {D0736B61-D7AE-4B50-99FF-1AC604AF83D1}{7A0F57A3-00B8-4879-BBE1-318E3FC0A526} = {7A0F57A3-00B8-4879-BBE1-318E3FC0A526}EndProjectSectionEndProject

In case of a folder the folder name is used instead of a path to the project file and there are no dependencies:

Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "test", "test", "{64EECA44-A21D-4FB3-8C2C-3D3B81EE2F3C}"EndProject

The Global part of the file contains multiple global sections.The configurations section contains the available configurations (bydefault Debug and Release) and which ones should be built. It is dividedinto two global sections marked preSolution and postSolution.

GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolutionDebug|Win32 = Debug|Win32Release|Win32 = Release|Win32EndGlobalSectionGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution{5F46CA1C-88BC-4E19-BB65-8686B453441D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32{5F46CA1C-88BC-4E19-BB65-8686B453441D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32{5F46CA1C-88BC-4E19-BB65-8686B453441D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32{5F46CA1C-88BC-4E19-BB65-8686B453441D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32...EndGlobalSection

Next there is a little section that determines if in the IDE thesolution itself will have a node in the tree or if it's just going to bea list of projects/folders:

GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolutionHideSolutionNode = FALSEEndGlobalSection

The last section specifies the nesting of the projects inside folders.It is a clever way to specify arbitrarily nested structure in a linearformat. Both the parent and the child are specified using their GUIDs,so it's pretty difficult to figure out what project is in what folder.Of course, this file is not intended for direct viewing:

GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution{5F46CA1C-88BC-4E19-BB65-8686B453441D} = {64EECA44-A21D-4FB3-8C2C-3D3B81EE2F3C}{48933983-2311-4966-A33E-06B47FE88B6A} = {64EECA44-A21D-4FB3-8C2C-3D3B81EE2F3C}{6D1F69E3-575B-4BB9-8B5F-D295916A2C3B} = {64EECA44-A21D-4FB3-8C2C-3D3B81EE2F3C}{B5183A0D-18E4-4288-8DB0-60183460677E} = {8A47B373-446F-42A7-83BB-EFED3017940F}{88AD54BE-4316-4DFB-965E-4369A2910DF8} = {55B446A3-CAA3-4EFB-BA53-2232048BF417}{D0736B61-D7AE-4B50-99FF-1AC604AF83D1} = {0C7A17A3-B93D-43AE-A166-1DDAAE8E2B46}{7A0F57A3-00B8-4879-BBE1-318E3FC0A526} = {0C7A17A3-B93D-43AE-A166-1DDAAE8E2B46}{C99C4A67-8323-4CD7-B049-354E019994C8} = {0C7A17A3-B93D-43AE-A166-1DDAAE8E2B46}EndGlobalSection

Let's try and follow one such nesting relation:

   {7A0F57A3-00B8-4879-BBE1-318E3FC0A526} = {0C7A17A3-B93D-43AE-A166-1DDAAE8E2B46}

The first GUID belongs to the utils project.

Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "utils", "hw\utils\utils.vcproj", "{7A0F57A3-00B8-4879-BBE1-318E3FC0A526}"EndProject

By the way, the GUID inProject("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") denotes the projecttype (static library in this case). The project's GUID is the onefollowing the project file path..

The second GUID belongs to the hw folder:

Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "hw", "hw", "{0C7A17A3-B93D-43AE-A166-1DDAAE8E2B46}"EndProject

So, the nesting relation says that the utils project is contained in the hw folder.

The Visual Studio Helper

The VC++ 2008 Helper class is responsible for the VC++ specific codeused to generate the .vcproj file for every project. It is equivalent tothe NetBeans 6 Helper class. The generic build_system_generator.pyscript is using this helper to generate the .vcproj file and thesolution (.sln) file. Let's take a closer look at this class. The firstthing it does is import some useful system modules and then import theBaseHelper and Template classes from the build_system_generator module (as well as the 'title' function for debugging purposes):

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport osimport sysimport globimport stringimport uuidfrom pprint import pprint as ppsys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '../'))from build_system_generator import (BaseHelper,Template,title)

Then, there are a couple of utility functions for handling GUIDs. The make_guid()function simply creates a new GUID. Conveniently enough, Python has amodule called uuid that can generate GUIDs (and much more). Handymodules like uuid are exactly why Python earned the "Batteries Included"reputation. In any other language, you would have to go and hunt for a3rd party library (or even worse... implement GUID generation yourself),download it, test it, integrate it into your code and yourdeployment/packaging script and hope it's not too buggy.

def make_guid():title()return '{' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '}'

The get_guid() function extracts the the GUID of a project from an existing .vcproj file or creates a new one if the file doesn't exist.

def get_guid(filename):title(additional=filename)if os.path.isfile(filename):lines = open(filename).readlines()guid_line = lines[5]assert 'ProjectGUID=' in guid_lineg = guid_line.split('=')[1][1:-2]else:g = make_guid()return g.upper()

The Helper class itself subclasses BaseHelper to benefit from all its common functionality. The __init__()method initializes the templates dir and sets the path separator to aback slash. This is not strictly necessary. Windows can actually workwith back and forward slashes and even mix them in the same path. Thisis a valid path on Windows: "c:/a/b\c\d". However, for esthetic andreadability purposes it is best to have a uniform convention and onWindows the back slash is more prevalent. The separator is used whenconstructing paths.

class Helper(BaseHelper):"""VC++ 2008 helper"""def __init__(self, templates_dir):BaseHelper.__init__(self, templates_dir)self.sep = '\\'

The get_templates() method is pretty simple and returns a list containing a single Template object with the template type (program, static library or dynamic library), the path and the relative path of the .vcproj file.

  def get_templates(self, template_type):"""Get all the template files associated with a particular template typeOften there will be just one template file, but some build systemsrequire multiple build files per template type@param template_type - 'program', 'dynamic_lib' or 'static_lib'@return a Template object"""result = []vcproj_file = os.path.join(self.templates_dir,template_type,'%s.vcproj' % template_type)assert os.path.isfile(vcproj_file)relative_path = '%s.vcproj'template = Template(vcproj_file, relative_path, template_type)return [template]

The prepare_substitution_dict() is the essential method thatprepares the values that the generic ibs uses to populate the templatefor the .vcproj file. It is much simpler than the correspondingNetBeans method because it needs to generate just one file and not sixand also the dynamic information that needs to be substituted in isconcentrated in a few places in a uniform way. There are only threeplaceholders: GUID, SourceFiles and HeaderFiles. All the other information is encoded in the templates. Here is signature:

  def prepare_substitution_dict(self,project_name,project_type,project_file_template,project_dir,libs_dir,dependencies,source_files,header_files,platform):

The prepare_substitution_dict() method uses a nested function called make_files_section() to prepare the SourceFiles and HeaderFileslists. This function sorts the file lists too (using a case insensitivecustom compare function). Note the recursive nature of this operationto create the files section a mini-template is populated with the file'srelative path for each file. The result is an XML fragment that canlater be embedded directly in the .vcproj file:

    def make_files_section(file_list):def icase_cmp(s1, s2):return cmp(s1.lower(), s2.lower())file_template = """\t\t\t\t\t\t7<"""if file_list == []:return ''file_list = sorted(file_list, icase_cmp)files = [file_template % os.path.basename(f) for f in file_list]return '\n'.join(files) + '\n'

The code of prepare_substitution_dict() itself is trivial. It prepares the filename and then gets the GUID from the get_guid() function and the SourceFiles and HeaderFiles from the nested make_files_section()function and just populates the result dict:

    filename = os.path.join(project_dir, project_name + '.vcproj')return dict(GUID=get_guid(filename),SourceFiles=make_files_section(source_files),HeaderFiles=make_files_section(header_files))

The generate_workspace_files() is much more complicated in VisualStudio. It generates the solution file for the entire system. I'll walkyou through it because there is a lot going on and it could be hard tofigure it out just by staring at the code. It takes as input thesolution name, the root path and a list of Project objects and startsiterating over all the sub-directories under the root path usingPython's excellent os.walk() function that returns a 3-tuple foreach directory under the root path that includes the current directory,its sub-directories and its files. That allows complete iteration ofevery file and directory. The Visual Studio Helper class supports thenotion of folders. As always ibs uses convention over configuration. Theconvention is that a project must be a direct sub-directory of afolder. So, to figure out the folders automatically all thesub-directories are iterated and whenever a directory that contains a.vcproj file is found its parent must be a folder. Here is the code toiterate over all the sub-directories.

  def generate_workspace_files(self, solution_name, root_path, projects):"""Generate a VC++ 2008 solution file"""title()folders = {}for d, subdirs, files in os.walk(root_path):if os.path.dirname(d) != root_path:continuefolder_projects = []for s in subdirs:...

The project list is provided so non-project directories are skipped. Thepath to the .vcproj file is constructed and the project GUID isextracted. The correct paths to the dependencies of the current projectare computed. Finally a SolutionItem object is constructed that containsall the relevant information of the project and the appended to thelist of folder_projects.

        project_dir = os.path.join(d, s)if not project_dir in projects:continuevcproj_filename = os.path.join(project_dir,os.path.basename(s) + '.vcproj')assert os.path.isfile(vcproj_filename)guid = get_guid(vcproj_filename)# Get the directories of of all the dependency projectsproj_dependencies = projects[project_dir].dependencies# Get the GUIDs of all the dependency projectsdependencies = []for dep in proj_dependencies:basename = os.path.basename(dep)dep_path = os.path.join(dep, basename + '.vcproj')dependencies.append(get_guid(dep_path))si = SolutionItem(item_type=project_type,name=s,path=vcproj_filename,guid=guid,dependencies=dependencies,projects=[])folder_projects.append(si)

If the folder_projects list is not empty then a folder SolutionItemis created that contains all the folder's project. The guid for afolder is just a dummy '?'. After all the folder objects are constructedthe make_solution() function is called, which actually generatesthe .sln file from all the information collected so far and the .slnfile is saved to disk.

      guid = '?'if folder_projects != []:name = os.path.basename(d)folder = SolutionItem(name=name,item_type=folder_type,path=None,guid=guid,dependencies=[],projects=folder_projects)folders[os.path.basename(d)] = foldergen_solution = make_solution(root_path, folders)solution_filename = os.path.join(root_path, solution_name + '.sln')open(solution_filename, 'w').write(gen_solution)

The make_solution() uses several mini-templates to constructdifferent parts of the .sln file. Here are the templates. The namespretty much explain the purpose of each template. The templates use thesame principle as the project templates and are just segments of textwith placeholder for substitution values that the make_solution() function populates with the proper values and weave together:

# A project template has a header and a list of project sections# such as ProjectDependencies. The ProjectDependencies# duplicate the dependency information in .vcproj files in VS2005.# For generating a solution that contains only C++ projects, no other# project section is needed.project_template_with_dependencies = """Project("${TypeGUID}") = "${Name}", "${Filename}", "${GUID}"ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject${ProjectDependencies}EndProjectSectionEndProject"""project_template_without_dependencies = """Project("${TypeGUID}") = "${Name}", "${Filename}", "${GUID}"EndProject"""project_configuration_platform_template = """\t\t${GUID}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\t\t${GUID}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\t\t${GUID}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\t\t${GUID}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32"""# This is the solution template for VS 2008# The template arguments are:## Projects# ProjectConfigurationPlatforms# NestedProjects#solution_template = """Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00# Visual Studio 2008${Projects}Global\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution\t\tDebug|Win32 = Debug|Win32\t\tRelease|Win32 = Release|Win32\tEndGlobalSection\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution${Configurations}\tEndGlobalSection\tGlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution\t\tHideSolutionNode = FALSE\tEndGlobalSection\tGlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution${NestedProjects}\tEndGlobalSectionEndGlobal"""

Whoever designed the Visual Studio build system was big on GUIDs. Almostevery object is identified by a GUID including the types of varioussolution items like folders and projects:

# Guids for regular project and solution folderproject_type = '{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}'folder_type = '{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}'

The SolutionItem class itself is really just a named tuple, butsince ibs is not limited to Python 2.6 and up (when named tuples wereintroduced into the language) I use a dedicated class:

class SolutionItem(object):"""Represents a solution folder or projectThe set of solution projects contain all the informationnecessary to generate a solution file.name - the name of the project/foldertype - folder_type or project_typepath - the relative path from the root dir to the .vcproj file for projects,same as name for foldersguid - the GUID of the project/folderdependencies - A list of project guids the project depends on.It is empty for folders and projects with no dependencies.projects - list of projects hosted by the folder. It is empty for projects."""def __init__(self, item_type, name, path, guid, dependencies, projects):title()self.name = nameself.type = item_typeself.path = pathself.guid = guidself.dependencies = dependenciesself.projects = projects

The make_solution() takes the source directory and the folders list to generate the solution file using a bunch of nested functions.

def make_solution(source_dir, folders):"""Return a string representing the .sln fileIt uses a lot of nested functions to make the different partsof a solution file:- make_project_dependencies- make_projects- make_configurations- make nested_projects@param folders - a dictionary whose keys are VS folders and the valuesare the projects each folder contains. Each project must be an object thathas a directory path (relative to the root dir), a guid and alist of dependencies (each dependency is another projects). This directoryshould contain a .vcproj file whose name matches the directory name.@param projects - a list of projects that don't have a folder and are containeddirectly by the solution node."""

The get_existing_folders() nested function takes and existing.sln file and extracts the GUIDs of every project in it. It returns adictionary of project names and GUIDs that can be used to regenerate a.sln file with identical GUIDs to the existing ones.

  def get_existing_folders(sln_filename):title()lines = open(sln_filename).readlines()results = {}for line in lines:if line.startswith('Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") ='):tokens = line.split('"')print tokensname = tokens[-4]guid = tokens[-2]results[name] = guidreturn results

The make_project_dependencies() nested function takes a list of dependency GUIDs of a project and returns the text fragment that is the ProjectDependencies sub-section of this project in the .sln file.

  def make_project_dependencies(dependency_guids):title()if dependency_guids == []:return ''result = []for g in dependency_guids:result.append('\t\t%s = %s' % (g, g))result = '\n'.join(result)return result

The make_projects() nested function takes the source directoryand the list of projects and generates a text fragment that representsall the projects in the .sln file. It uses the micro templates definedearlier and the make_project_dependencies() function.

  def make_projects(source_dir, projects):title()result = ''t1 = string.Template(project_template_with_dependencies)t2 = string.Template(project_template_without_dependencies)for p in projects:if p.type == project_type:filename = p.path[len(source_dir) + 1:].replace('/', '\\')else:filename = p.namedependency_guids = [get_guid(p.path) for d in p.dependencies]guid = get_guid(filename) if p.guid is None else p.guidd = dict(TypeGUID=p.type,Name=p.name,Filename=filename,GUID=guid,ProjectDependencies=make_project_dependencies(p.dependencies))t = t1 if p.dependencies != [] else t2s = t.substitute(d)result += sreturn result[:-1]

The make_configurations() function returns a text fragment thatrepresents all the project configuration platforms. It works byiterating over the projects list and populating the project_configuration_platform template with each project's GUID.

  def make_configurations(projects):title()result = ''t = string.Template(project_configuration_platform_template)for p in projects:d = dict(GUID=p.guid)s = t.substitute(d)result += sreturn result[:-1]

The make_nested_projects() function returns a text fragment thatrepresents all the nested projects in the .sln file. It works byiterating over the folders and populating the nested_project template with the guids of each nested project and its containing folder. Each folder is an object that has guid attribute and a projects attribute (which is a list of its contained projects):

  def make_nested_projects(folders):title()for f in folders.values():assert hasattr(f, 'guid') and type(f.guid) == strassert hasattr(f, 'projects') and type(f.projects) in (list, tuple)result = ''nested_project = '\t\t${GUID} = ${FolderGUID}\n't = string.Template(nested_project)for folder in folders.values():for p in folder.projects:d = dict(GUID=p.guid, FolderGUID=folder.guid)s = t.substitute(d)result += sreturn result[:-1]

These were all the nested functions and here is how the containing make_solution() function puts them to good use.

  try:sln_filename = glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, '*.sln'))[0]existing_folders = get_existing_folders(sln_filename)except:existing_folders = []# Use folders GUIDs from existing .sln file (if there is any)for name, f in folders.items():if name in existing_folders:f.guid = existing_folders[name]else:f.guid = make_guid()# Prepare a flat list of all projectsall_projects =[]for f in folders.values():all_projects.append(f)all_projects += f.projects# Prepare the substitution dict for the solution templateprojects = [p for p in all_projects if p.type == project_type]all_projects = make_projects(source_dir, all_projects)configurations = make_configurations(projects)nested_projects = make_nested_projects(folders)d = dict(Projects=all_projects,Configurations=configurations,NestedProjects=nested_projects)# Create the final solution text by substituting the dict into the templatet = string.Template(solution_template)solution = t.substitute(d)return solution

The Visual Studio Project Templates

The project templates as you recall are the text files with some placeholders that ibs populates with the values from the substitutiondictionaries to generate the final .vcproj files. There are threedifferent types of projects: static library, dynamic library, and aprogram. Each project type has its own template.

To create the template files I simply took the .vcproj file for eachtype of project I created manually and replaced anything that wasproject-specific (like the source files or list of dependencies) with aplace holder. Let's examine one of the template files. Here is thetemplate for a static library. The name of the file isstatic_lib.vcproj. The template is just an XML file and the placeholders are ${Name}, ${GUID}, ${HeaderFiles} and ${SourceFiles}. Notethe element named "VCCLCompilerTool". This element contains allinformation necessary to compile the static library. Static librarieshave no link information so there is no linker tool. In general, thereare many other tools supported by the Visual Studio .vcproj file formatbut most of them are not used for building cross platform C++ projects.


Testing the Visual Studio-Generated build System

Bob finished the implementation of the VC++ 2008 component of ibs andtested it on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. First, he generated allthe Visual Studio build files using the build_system_generator.pyscript:

PS Z:\ibs> python .\build_system_generator.py --build_system=VC_2008--------------------generate_build_files--------------------platform: win32----------------------_populate_project_list--------------------------test--------dlls--------apps------hw-------------------generate_projects------------------------------save_projects-------------------------------------generate_workspace_files------------------------appsdllshwtest-------------make_solution---------------------------------get_existing_folders--------------------['test','testHello','testPunctuator','testWorld','dlls','punctuator','apps','hello_world','hw','hello','utils','world']-------------make_projects--------------------------------make_configurations---------------------------------------make_nested_projects--------------------

Bob verified that the necessary .vcproj and .sln files were created andproceeded to build the solution. He started with a command-line buildusing the vcbuild.exe program. This program is normally located forVisual Studio 2008 in : "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio9.0\VC\vcpackages".

To build the hello world solution you can just pass the hello_world.slnfilename to vcbuild. Here is the short PowerShell snippet Bob ran in thesrc directory to build hello_world:

$vcbuild = "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcpackages\vcbuild.exe"& $vcbuild hello_world.sln

Isaac barged in as usual and wanted to witness the Windows tests firsthand. Bob copied the punctuator.dll from the dlls\punctuator\Debugdirectory to apps\hello_world\Debug and ran the hello_world.exeapplication that was built by vcbuild.exe:

PS \src\apps\hello_world\Debug> cp..\..\..\dlls\punctuator\Debug\punctuator.dll .PS \src\apps\hello_world\Debug> .\hello_world.exehello, world!Done.

Isaac was duly impressed, but wanted to verify that the solution can bebuilt from the Visual Studio IDE too. Bob launched a new instance ofVisual Studio and loaded the generated hello_world.sln solution. It thenbuilt it successfully (see Figure 3).


Next, Bob ran the testWorld program from within Visual Studio and put abreakpoint to demonstrate that ibs produces code that can be debuggedproperly (See Figure 4).

Figure 4

Isaac decided that ibs proved itself to be a strong cross-platform buildsystem. Hw wanted to see it deployed and used to build and develop the"Hello World - Enterprise Platinum Edition". Bob was very excited andassured him that ibs is ready to go.


In this article you saw ibs in action, generating a full fledged VC++2008 solution for a non-trivial system that involves multiple projects,static libraries, shared libraries, applications and test programs. ibshandled well multiple target Windows operating systems (Windows XP,Vista and 7) and allowed building and testing from the Visual Studio IDEor externally from the command-line (using vcbuild.exe). Bobdemonstrated ibs successfully to Isaac his manager and in the nextepisode, Bob will deploy ibs in the field and will wrestle withreal-world issues and requirements.