TonyJaa透露《拳霸2》拍摄进度和拍摄计划 东尼嘉中文网

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/24 03:22:06
录入:admin  出处   添加日期:2007-12-21 查看数:871
(Jaa : For this passed 8 months I’ve been in the mountain to play and direct all of the work in Ong-Bak 2. Panna also gives his helping hand. I have to do all of the action choreographic scenes myself. I put attention to every step ofit. All he pictures are already in my head and  want to convey all of them for the others to see. The filming process is now 0%, nd the half rest is about the details and all of the big action scenes. Maybe I’d finish the filming in August 2008. The budget is rather high, about 200 million Baht. But now it doesn‘t spend more than the amount stated.)
TonyJaa说:“我 不期望很多意外的收获。对我来说这是一次做自己喜欢的事的号机会,我不希望利益上东西影响我。我把拍摄工作当成是一种挑战,一次把我所喜爱动作电影呈现给 广大观众的机会。焦虑会阻碍你把工作做得最好,所以不要焦虑。人的一生只有一次,所以我会尽全力把工作做好。我真的希望大家能看到我一直梦想中的动作场 面,那将会是我非常高兴的事情。这部电影将同时面向泰国电影市场和国际电影市场。很多其他国家的TonyJaa影迷们正在期待他们的TonyJaa”给他 们带来新一轮的视觉享受。”
(Jaa : I don’t expect a lot of any thing. It’s a chance to do the thing I like, I don’t want it to bother me. I take it as a challenge, as an opportunity to present the pictures of action movie I’d love the others to see. Anxiety can prevent you to do some thing well, so just cut it off. We could live this single life, so I intend to do this work as best as I can. I really want it to finish for us to see those pictures that I always dream of, then it would be so happy for me. For the part of movie markets, there are both Thai and international. Groups of international fan clubs are eagerly waiting for their “Tony Jaa” to give them some thing new to see.)
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