
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/19 15:23:37
科罗拉多大峡谷位於美国亞利桑那州西北部,是科羅拉多河經過數百萬年以上的冲蚀而形成,色彩斑斓,峭壁险峻。1979年大峡谷被列入世界遺產。在许多非权威版本的世界七大自然奇观列表上都有大峡谷的名字。目前由美國大峽谷國家公園管理。 大峽谷总长446公里,平均深度有1200公尺,寬度从0.5公里至29公里不等。科罗拉多高原抬升时,科罗拉多河及其支流切割层层沉积岩,由此形成了大峡谷。将近20亿年来的地质变迁史一览无余。[via]今天分享:20张雄伟壮观的大峡谷摄影照片,希望有你喜欢的。 

Grand Canyon by Sebastien Mamy

The Grand Canyon by Alvin Nic

Grand Canyon Sunrise by RS3Art

Grand Canyon Sunset by Dave Arnold

Colorado River Sunset by James Watkins

Onslaught by Leviathor

Grand Canyon Skyscape by Jason Langley

Thunderstorm by Pierre Luigi Dallimonti

Grand Canyon Sunset by Andreas Adelmann

Double Arch by Mike Jones

The Grand Canyon by Michael Seljios

Grand Canyon by Mark Orfila

Right Before Sunset by Jann

Grand Canyon Sunset, Thundershower and Rainbow by sawdevcin

Grand Canyon by Paul Cloutier

The Grand Canyon by CoolBlueAquarius

The Grand Canyon by Nate Zeman

Canyon Sunset by Fr1gidity

Colorado River Grand Canyon by CitizenFresh

Tree at Sunset in the Grand Canyon by Eva McDermott

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