【每日一歌】2010年10月27日第446期:Shadow Side Of Me - 【每...

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【每日一歌】2010年10月27日第446期:Shadow Side Of Me

Shadow, SideShadow, Side    

SongShadow Side Of Me

Artist:Michael Learns To Rock

Style:Pop / Rock


Publish Time:2009

Introduce Eternity》是摇滚麦克的最新录音室创作大碟,专辑由乐团吉他手/主唱Mikkel Lentz担纲制作大任,专辑在丹麦的哥本哈根以及瑞典的哥德堡两地的录音室进行录制,专辑中从体验爱情喜悦的〈Sweetest Surprise〉,到领悟人生高低起伏感受的〈It`s Gonna Make Sense〉,从摆脱百分百情人迷思的真心告白衷曲〈Shadow Side Of Me〉,到用梦想与信念取代争斗的和平之歌〈The War Is Not Over〉,再到浩瀚无边、营造着夜空美感的演奏曲〈Eternity〉,每一首歌曲散发着欧式流行音乐的浪漫与优雅,也流露出乐团更加成熟的性格。


Shadow Side Of Me
Michael Learns To Rock

I feel your existence in your body
Though you try to hide it
I know there's a battle in your mind
I'm filling the distance you are drifting
And I just can't fight it
How do we go on like this
Putting everything at risk
Hard to live
With the shadow side of me
You need what I can be
Holding on
To a each other man
If you're looking fot perfection
That is not the way I am
You say that you love me
But the future is too hard to promise
It's making no sense to my head
I know there's a dark side of my spirit
where you just can't find me
There is not a sending here
just a time so who cares
Hard to live
With the shadow side of me
You need what I can be
Holding on
To each other man
If you're looking fot perfection
That is not the way
It all start all right
Making love the twilight
Does any man want gold dreams
then it's gone forever
exactly what she seems
Hard to live
With the shadow side of me
You need what I can be
Holding on
To each other man
If you're looking fot perfection
That is not the way I am
Hard to live


本主题由 乄е.灬炫。 于 9 小时前 设置高亮 收藏 分享 0
『мusic шorld』http://blog.163.com/x_mworld/
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