
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/24 22:21:44

one, only, party, pass, passage, passenger, rainy, rather, reach, read, score, Scotland, screen, scuba, telephone

1. One n. 一,一个;pron. 代替前面提到的人或事

【示例1】给我一个吻,还你一个拥抱。Give me a kiss and I’ll return you a hug.

【示例2】我不要这本书,给我你手里的那本。I don’t want this book. Give me the one in your hand.

2. only adj. 唯一的,仅有的,仅仅的

【示例1】我是父母的独子。I’m an only child of my parents.

【示例2】这是我唯一的机会,所以我必须抓住它。This is my only chance, therefore, I can’t let it pass by.

3. party n. 党派,团队,晚会

【示例1】你加入了任何党派吗?Have you joined any party?

【示例2】我看到一队人进去了。I saw a party of people went in.

【示例3】咱们搞个晚会庆贺一下你的升迁。Let’s throw a pary to celebrate your promotion.

4. Pass vt.通过(考试等);递给(某人某物);vi.经过;n. 通行证(C)

【示例1】我顺利通过了考试。I have passed the test smoothly.

【示例2】能把那本书递给我吗?Would you please pass me that book?

【示例3】他刚刚过去。He just passed by.

【示例4】没有通行证,你不能进去。Without a pass, you are not allowed in.

5. Passage n. 通道(C);通过(U)

【示例1】请走那边的地下通道。Please take the underground passage over there.

【示例2】随着时间的流逝,这件事情会被淡忘的。With the passage of time, this incident will be forgotten.

6. Passenger n. 乘客(C)

【示例】乘客对于你们的服务质量有很多抱怨。The passengers are complaining a great deal about your service.

7. Rainy adj. 下雨的

【示例1】我喜欢在雨天驾车。I like to drive on rainy days.

【惯用语】for a rainy day以备(缺钱时)用

【示例2】我们应存点钱以备不时之需。We should save up for a rainy day.

8. rather adv. (表示程度)相当地

【示例1】他说话相当慢。He spoke rather slowly.

【示例2】我对他的话相当恼火。I was rather annoyed with what he said.

【短语】would rather 宁愿,宁肯;would rather… than…宁肯/愿┅也不愿┅;rather than而不是

【示例3】我宁愿不去。I would rather not go.

【示例4】我宁愿死也不嫁给你!I would rather die than marry you!

【示例5】我宁愿你没有告诉我。I would rather you hadn’t told me that.

【示例6】让我恼火的是他做的事,而不是他说的话。It was what he did rather than what he said that annoyed me.

9. reach vt. 到达;伸出(手);n.伸手可及的距离(U);能力所及的范围

【示例1】我花了1小时赶到了那里。It took me one hour to reach there.

【示例2】我伸手去够她的手,但她缩了回去。I reached for her hand but she withdrew it.

【词组与短语】within easy reach of离┅很近,在伸手可及的距离;beyond the reach of one’s imagination超乎某人的想象

【示例3】我们住得离超市很近。We live within easy reach of the supermarket.

【示例4】这可远远超乎我的想象力了。This is far beyond the reach of my imagination.

10. read vt. 读,看,阅

【示例1】我每天读十本书。I read ten books a day.

【示例2】我很少看报。I seldom read newspapers.

【示例3】我看了你的信,很受感动。I’ve read your letter and was very touched.

11. score v. (在比赛或考试中)得分;(比赛或考试的)分数

【示例1】姚明得了20分。Yao Ming scored 20 points at the game.

【示例2】他在智商测试中得了高分,但他实际上没我聪明。He scored high on the IQ test, but in fact he is not as intelligent as I am.

【示例3】现在我们分数仍落后对手。Now we still lag behind our opponent in score.

12. Scotland n. 苏格兰

【示例】苏格兰的威士忌很有名。Scotland is very famous for its whisky.

13. Screen n. 屏幕,屏风;银屏;vt. 甄别,审查,筛选

【示例1】我把连贴在屏幕上看电视。I press my face against the screen to watch TV.

【示例2】她十年前开始出现在银屏上。She started to appear on the screen ten years ago.

【示例3】一百位经过仔细筛选的人获邀与我共进晚餐。One hundred carefully screened people were invited to have dinner with me.

14. scuba n.水下呼吸器,水肺(C)

【示例1】我背着水肺下了水。I went down into the water with a scuba on my back.

【示例2】我感到带水肺潜水很刺激的。I found scuba-driving very exciting.

15. Telephone n. 电话;v. 打电话给某人

【示例1】我穷得家里只有三部电话。I am so poor that I only have three phones at home.

【示例2】布什总统打电话邀我共进晚餐。President Bush telephoned to invite me to have dinner with him.