译言网 | 世界上最大最结实的蜘蛛网

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/17 06:47:39

River-Spanning Spider Web


Photograph courtesy Matjaz Kuntner

感谢Matjaz Kuntner提供的照片

Ariver-spanning spider web dwarfs a park ranger in Madagascar in 2008.Made of the world's strongest known biological material, the web is theproduct of a new species, the Darwin's bark spider, which makes theworld's largest webs of any single spider, new studies say.


ZoologistIngi Agnarsson and colleagues have found Darwin's bark spider webs aswide as 82 feet (25 meters)—about as long as two city buses.

波多黎各大学的动物学家Ingi Agnarsson和其同事发现了由达尔文吠蛛结出的宽达82英尺(约合25米)的蜘蛛网,这相当于两辆城市大巴的长度

InAndasibe-Mantadia National Park (pictured), "the park rangers knewabout them, and I think they've shown them to tourists for a while,"said Agnarsson, of the University of Puerto Rico.


Butthe Darwin's bark spider and its record-breaking webs were unknown toscience until they were documented by the team, whose findings appearthis week in the Journal of Arachnology and PLoS ONE.

但是,在Agnarsson团队发现这些蜘蛛以前科学家对达尔文吠蛛及其破纪录的蛛网一无所知,他们的这一发现将会刊登在这周的《节肢动物学期刊》和《PLoS ONE》杂志上。


  Darwin's Bark Spider Web

An approximately three-foot-wide (meter-wide) Darwin's bark spider web hangs above a river in Madagascar.


Thoughthe new species' webs are overall the world's largest, other spidersmight exist that create larger orbs—the spiral at the center of theweb—according to study co-author Todd Blackledge, a biologist at the University of Akron in Ohio.
根据参与这项研究的俄亥俄州Akron大学的生物学家Todd Blackledge介绍,尽管这种达尔文吠蛛织出的蜘蛛网是世界上最大的,但是也有可能存在其他蛛种能够织出更大的圆形蛛网——中心为螺旋结构。  
Despitespinning webs of Spider-Man-like size and strength, the Darwin's barkspider uses them to feed mainly on small fry—insects such as mayfliesand dragonflies, the team found.
"In our dreams, we were hoping for bats or birds or something," the University of Puerto Rico's Agnarsson joked.




Female Darwin's Bark Spider



Theweavers of the largest Darwin's bark spider webs are almost alwaysfemale, such as this spider pictured in 2008, said Agnarsson, a granteeof the National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration. 
Juvenilemales also weave spider webs, but once they become adults, they abandonthis behavior and instead direct their energies solely to sex.
Forsurvival, the Darwin's bark spider relies in part on its mottled,jagged appearance, which camouflages the spider against trees and—alongwith Charles Darwin—inspired its name. The species is known to exist only on the island of Madagascar, off Africa's southeastern coast.




Giant Web, Snack-Size Fare



Dozens of mayflies hang helpless in a Darwin's bark spider's web in 2008.
Darwin's bark spider webs are made out of two basic kinds of silk, Agnarsson explained.
"Dragline"silk is used to create the supporting strands that anchor the endpointsof an orb web to tree branches overhanging rivers or lakes and formsthe radial threads in the web. Stretchier, stickier silk is used tocreate the spiral that captures prey.


Whenan insect flies into the web, it becomes stuck, and its strugglescauses the silk lines to vibrate, alerting the Darwin's bark spider.
The spider then crawls to the captured insect, and envelops it in a silk cocoon to eat at its leisure.
Unlikemost spiders, Darwin's bark spiders will sometimes wrap several insectcorpses into a single cocoon, creating a snack pack for laterconsumption.




Towering Achievement                                                                                               





Unliketheir webs, Darwin's bark spiders aren't very big: Not counting itslegs, an adult is usually less than 0.8 inch (2 centimeters) long,Agnarsson said.Earlier this year, study team member Matja? Kuntner, ofthe Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, uses a tape measure todetermine how high up the center of a Darwin's bark spider web is.
今年年初,参与此次研究团队成员,斯洛文尼亚科学与艺术学院的Matja? Kuntner使用卷尺测量达尔文吠蛛蛛网的中心有多高。


An analysis of the Darwin's bark spider's silk indicates it's the toughest biological material discovered to date.
"'Tough'means the ability to absorb energy before breaking, and results from acombination of strength and elasticity," Agnarsson explained.
TheDarwin’s bark spider's silk "is about the strength of steel but much,much tougher, because it also stretches. It's many times tougher thaneven Kevlar, which is one of the best man-made materials."


Behind the Web



Scientistsin 2010 observe the web of an unnamed species that may be a closerelative of the Darwin's bark spider and also happens to live inMadagascar's Andasibe-Mantadia National Park.
Thecentral orb structure of this spider's web is about three feet (onemeter) wide. By contrast, the orb of a Darwin's bark spider web can beup to nine feet (three meters) across, though most are much smaller.


Darwin's Bark Booby Trap



Oneof the first things Agnarsson's team wondered after learning about theDarwin's bark spider was exactly how it creates webs wide enough to spanbodies of water, such as this river in Madagascar's Andasibe NationalPark, pictured in 2010.
在了解了达尔文吠蛛之后,Agnarsson研究小组首先想要了解的事情是这些蜘蛛是如何织出能够横跨如马达加斯加岛 Andasibe National 公园河宽的蛛网。上面照片摄于2010年。  
Oneof the rangers "said the spiders do a Tarzan swing, like they hang downon the silk and swing over," Agnarsson said. "We really, really triedto verify that, but it turned out to be false."
Since then, team member Matjaz Gregori? has discovered the spider's trick and will describe it in a future science paper.
此后,小组成员 Matjaz Gregori? 发现了这些蜘蛛的把戏,这将会科学杂志上进行描述。  





Agnarsson,shown behind a Darwin's bark spider web in 2010, hopes that studies ofthe species will help shed light on mysteries of spider silk.
"Almostall of the spider-silk research has focused on one or two spiderspecies," he said, referring to golden orb weavers and spiders ofthe Agriopegenus. "Our interest is in looking much more broadly acrossthe diversity of spiders.
"There'sno reason to think that the two exemplar species that most researchershappen to be studying are among those that make the best silk of all thespiders."