
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/25 12:58:25
Yes, we know how the last 10 years panned out. What investors really want to know is what will be the best investments for the next 10 years? Which markets, sectors and stocks have the best prospects, and which have the worst?
不错,我们知道在过去的10 年怎么能赚到钱。然而,投资者们真正想知道的是:什么是未来10 年最好的投资?哪个市场、哪个类股、哪支股票拥有最乐观的前景,又有哪些的前景最为糟糕?

The first thing to note: Put not your faith in analysts.

Why not?

In preparation for this column I asked the Proprietary Research team at Thomson Reuters to take a look at all the analysts' recommendations, across the Standard & Poor's 500-index group of major stocks, on your behalf.
在准备这篇专栏文章的时候,我要求汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的独立客户调查团队看一看所有分析师代表投资者对标准普尔500指数(Standard & Poor's 500-index)主要股票所作出的推荐。

The results tell you most of what you need to know about Wall Street analysts' recommendations.

Of the 9,162 outstanding notes covering S&P 500 stocks, fewer than 7% are negative. And most of those are merely 'underperform' calls. Just 189 notes, or 2% of the total, are outright 'sell' recommendations.

By contrast, these bearish notes-633 in all-are swamped by the 2,347 'buy' recommendations ... and the additional 2,190 'strong buys.' (For those counting, there are also several thousand neutral 'hold' notes.)

Analysts were similarly bullish at this point 10 years ago, at the start of the worst decade for U.S. investors in recorded history-as they were two years ago, just before the biggest crash in living memory.
分析师在10 年前的这个时候,也就是有记录以来美国投资者遭遇的最糟糕10 年开始的时候同样信心满满──而在两年前,也就是人们记忆中最严重的经济崩盘来临之时,他们也是信心满满。

At the start of 2008, according to Thomson Reuters, even fewer recommendations were bearish-a mere 6% were either a 'sell' or an 'underperform,' while 49% were 'buy' recommendations, of which 21% were a 'strong buy.' This, I repeat, at the start of 2008, a terrible year.

In short, even after the past dismal decade, Wall Street analysts remain a cheerleading chorus whose published advice is a dubious guide for serious investors.
简而言之,即便上一个惨淡的10 年成为过去式之后,华尔街的分析师们仍然充当着高唱凯歌的拉拉队,他们的投资建议在那些严肃的投资者们看来缺乏可信度。

Some will consider this a scandal. If, like me, you have been following Wall Street long enough to have achieved a Zen-like state of total cynicism, you may merely find it amusing.

So if you're searching for the best bets for the new decade, where else can you look for ideas?
所以,如果你正在寻找新的10 年里最好的投资,你还能从哪里找寻启示呢?

Amateur investors often chase the most popular investments. But serious professionals are more likely to look with interest for the least popular.

Those stocks,markets and asset classes that are most out of favor with investors often contain the best bargains, for the simple reason that nobody wants them. The expectations bar may be set so low that there is plenty of room for positive surprises.

As I noted last month, the most popular investments 10 years ago were technology stocks, and probably the least popular was gold. The results weren't even close: Tech collapsed, and gold soared.
就像我在上个月观察到的,10 年前最受欢迎的投资是科技类股,而最不受欢迎的或许要算是黄金了。而结果却截然不同:科技类股一落千丈,而黄金则一飞冲天。

What is unpopular today? If you look at analysts' recommendations, very little. According to Thomson Reuters, just six stocks in the S&P 500 are so out of fashion that even the average analyst following them has them as an 'underperform.' What are these dirty half-dozen? Step forward, infamous insurer American International Group, real estate investment trust Apartment Investment & Management, Eastman Kodak, Jack Daniel's distiller Brown-Forman , chocolate maker Hershey and retailer Sears Holdings .
大都将它们的评级定为“弱于大盘。”那么这些表现不佳的六只股票是哪些呢?出列吧──声名狼藉的保险商美国国际集团(American International Group)、房地产投资信托Apartment Investment & Management、伊士曼-柯达公司(Eastman Kodak)、Jack Daniel的酿酒商Brown-Forman、巧克力制造商好时食品(Hershey)和零售商Sears Holdings。

This is not a recommended buy list, and should not be treated as one. Some of these stocks are super high-risk. (The only ones that might allow me to sleep at nights are Hershey and Brown-Forman; both seem to be solid companies in solid industries, but you need to do your homework.) It will be interesting to see whether these justify their unpopularity and fare worse than, say, a simple index fund over the next year, or decade.

Analysts' recommendations aren't the only measure of popularity, of course. They may not even be the best one. One alternative is to look at where the institutional-investment crowd has bet its (or, to be accurate, your) money. Maybe the best guide to that is the survey of global fund managers published every month by Merrill Lynch/Bank of America Securities.
许要算是美林(Merrill Lynch)/美银证券(Bank of America Securities)每月发布的全球基金经理调查。

This is often a contrarian investor's bible. These money managers, after all, move markets. When they are all bidding for certain fashionable assets they drive up the price-often too high. And the cheapest assets are often the ones in which they have lost interest. (Gold was so out of fashion it didn't even feature in the survey until about six years ago, when, on a suggestion from yours truly, Merrill Lynch began to include it.)

The most recent survey, from December, shows fund managers cautiously positive on markets. From the point of view of the private investor, a few things leap out.

By far the most popular assets with money managers are emerging-market equities and commodities. The degree of bullishness on emerging markets is particularly worrying: It has reached levels comparable to those seen at the market peaks in 2007. Money managers have also invested heavily in energy and materials companies, and in technology stocks.

As for the unloved? The least-popular sectors in the stock market right now are banks, utilities and consumer-discretionary stocks. Among global markets, investors are generally least interested in Japan and the U.S.

Are these investments the ones to back for the next decade? Stranger things have happened. They probably won't do worse than the next 'buy' recommendation you hear on TV.

Brett Arends