
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/16 19:35:50

One of the key concepts in my book (you can get the 1st 3 chapters for free here ) focuses on what I call the Insight model.在一个关键的概念我的书 (你可以得到免费1 3章在这里 )的重点是我所说的透视模型。 The promise of this model is to help you find insights you can act on by combining clickstream data, user experience data and competitive data.这一模式的承诺是帮助你找到你的见解可以采取行动,结合点击流数据,用户数据和经验,竞争力的数据。 I was discussing this the other day with a prospect who got the wrong end of the stick when I mentioned competitive data.我在讨论这个日前与前景谁拿到了棍子错误结束时我提到竞争的数据。 He started reeling off information about his top competitors which isn't really the point.他开始了对他的缫丝主要竞争对手的资料,是不是真正的重点。

Competitors are of course a part of the competitive environment but focusing your energy on trying to “pinch their customers” is in my view a complete waste of time.竞争对手固然是一个竞争环境的一部分,但重点要“捏他们的客户”在我看来完全是浪费时间是你的精力。 Even comparing your data with them is largely irrelevant.即使您的数据与他们相比,主要是无关紧要的。 Competitors evolve in different ways to your business so attempting to “defeat” their numbers doesn't mean anything, even if you do outperform them.竞争者以不同的方式进化到您的业务,试图“打败”他们的人数并不意味着什么,即使你胜过他们。 Outperforming the competition is of course good especially in terms of market share, but primarily it means you're doing something right with your customers not that you're taking away business from your competitors.表现优于竞争当然是好的,特别是在市场份额方面,但主要是指你的竞争对手正在做正确的事与客户不是你把你的业务从距离。 The only important information you can find out about your competition revolve around opportunities for you to act.唯一重要的信息,您可以了解您的竞争围绕着你的机会采取行动。 If you can't take an action on information it's simply nice to know.如果你不能对信息采取行动的根本高兴知道。

Competitive Intelligence starts with your customer 竞争情报与客户开始

To me, competitive data (the core information that leads to intelligent action) examines the whole marketplace.对我来说,有竞争力数据(核心信息,导致明智的行动)检查整个市场。 The whole marketplace is your entire ecosystem and it starts with your customers and prospects.整个市场是你的整个生态系统,它与您的客户和潜在客户开始。 That's worth repeating, competitive data starts with your customer or prospect .这是值得重复,竞争的数据开始与您的客户或前景 。 Not your competitor.不是你的竞争对手。 Your customer is much more important to listen to than your competition.您的客户是更重要的是倾听比你的竞争对手。 There is perhaps a new buzzword for what I call using competitive intelligence in start ups and it's called the “ lean start-up “.有可能是一个新的流行语我所谓竞争情报开始使用UPS和它被称为“ 精益启动 “。 In a nutshell lean simply means speed.概括地说精益仅仅意味着速度。 Rapidly testing of ideas on the market, learning, listening and reacting to your customers and prospects.快速检测市场上的想法,学习,倾听和响应客户和前景。 This leads to a product or service development approach based on market reality not gut feeling.这导致了产品或服务开发的做法不是根据市场现实的直觉。

Reality of the situation 现实的情况

Competitive intelligence is about the reality demonstrated by the marketplace.竞争情报是关于由市场体现了现实。 It starts with what your customers want and what you can find out about their needs - as well as what else they buy and why from your competition.它始于顾客需要什么,哪些是你可以了解他们的需求 - 以及他们买什么,从你的竞争对手为什么了。

Then there are numerous other realities to take into account;还有很多其他的现实考虑;

  • Legal/governmental - in the analytics industry there are upcoming changes to EU legislation for instance 法律/政府产业-在分析有变化,例如即将举行的欧盟立法
  • Global/local economy - this effects us all greatly as seen in the recent recession 全球/本地经济 -这极大地影响我们所有人都看在最近的经济衰退
  • Market culture - doing business in the UK is very different to Finland, but also less obvious things like marketing to a cultural niche 文化市场 -英国企业在做是非常不同的芬兰,而是一种文化生态位也不太明显的事情,比如市场营销
  • Distributers & suppliers - how are they helping or hindering your efforts? 经销商决策和供应商 -他们如何帮助或阻碍你的努力?
  • Other industries - Extremely important to look at how different industries interact with each other极为重要的其他产业-研究如何与不同行业的相互交流
  • Technology - What are the new technologies rising to prominence in and around your field? 技术 -什么是你的领域的新技术,上升到突出地位和周围?
  • Competitors - What do they do that you can't and why? 竞争对手 -他们做什么,你不能,为什么? What do your customers buy from them and why?您的客户买什么他们,为什么? How do their methods differ to yours?如何做他们的方法有所不同,以你的吗?

Looking at the big picture of competitive intelligence allows you to take better decisions for the future and measuring that success or failure is what analytics is all about.在竞争情报的大局,就会使你今后采取更好的决策和测量,成功或失败是什么分析是一回事。

Looking outside the Analytics bubble 看着窗外的分析泡沫

I read today that by 2020 70% of people worldwide with an internet connection will interact with social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter.今天我看到,到2020年的70人有1%的互联网连接世界各地的互动,将像Facebook或Twitter社交网站。 This is pretty important for anyone trying to reach people - directly that statistic has nothing to do with my industry (analytics) but indirectly it's extremely important if we want to be in business over the next few years to determine ways to measure social media interaction.这是相当的努力达成人家重要的 - 直接的统计无关,与我的行业(分析),但间接地是非常重要的,如果我们想在未来几年内的业务,以确定的方式来衡量互动的社会媒体。 One of Kwantic's offerings is around this field and it's an area we expect to grow in the next few years as more businesses realize this important shift in ways to do research and development, commerce or customer support.一Kwantic的产品是围绕这一领域,这是一个方面,我们预计年增长在未来几年随着越来越多的企业认识到这个客户支持的重要方式的转变进行研究和开发,商业或。

Nokia and Apple 诺基亚和苹果

Another example relevant to Finland is Nokia and Apple.另一个例子是有关芬兰诺基亚公司和苹果公司。 The iPhone has risen to prominence in the Smartphone market. iPhone已经崛起在智能手机市场。 The technology for browsing the web on the iPhone is currently stronger right now than anything Nokia have, as are the applications and the usability of the phone in terms of managing payments to Apple.在浏览网页上的iPhone技术是目前强现在比任何诺基亚,因为是应用和管理方面向苹果支付的手机的可用性。 You could say that Apple has especially focused on the markets where they were strongest and know the culture (USA and western Europe).可以说,苹果的市场,特别是其中最强的,知道他们的文化(美国和西欧)为重点。 In addition due to Apple patents (legal) Nokia can't simply copy the technology此外,由于苹果公司的专利(法律)诺基亚不能简单地复制技术 to their own devices (though that is now been countered by Nokia who think Apple have infringed some of their own patents).以自己的设备(虽然现在已经是由诺基亚谁认为苹果公司侵犯了自己的一些专利反击)。

However for Nokia and the smartphone market I see this as a huge opportunity not a problem.不过,对于诺基亚和智能手机市场可说是一个巨大的机会这不是一个问题。 All Apple have done is shown how the services and device model can work, something Nokia have been working towards for years.所有苹果所做的是如何显示的服务和设备模型可以工作,一些诺基亚已经工作的目标。 Nokia still have the best business phones in the world.诺基亚仍然有世界上最好的商务手机。 The e71 is still, 3 years since it came to the market, one of the best business phones I have owned.在E71的仍然是,3年来,来到了市场,最佳的营商我曾经拥有的手机之一。 In my opinion it still outperforms the iPhone in terms of connectivity, running call conferences and handling even simple things like calendars and the sending/receiving business contacts (I have owned both phones so I know what I am talking about).在我看来,这仍然优于在连接方面的iPhone,运行和处理电话会议,甚至简单的事情,如日历和发送/接收的业务联系(我曾经拥有这两款手机,所以我知道我在说什么)。 They also have Ovi, that with clever crowdsourcing could easily rival the App store and if they develop a business phone which also matches the iPhone for web browsing and application usability they have extremely strong market growth opportunities not only in the west but also in the emerging markets of Africa and Aisa - where they are very strong.他们也有Ovi全,聪明,与众包可以很容易地在App商店的竞争对手,如果他们的业务发展相匹配的手机,并为Web浏览和应用程序的可用性iPhone,他们不仅在西方,而且在非常强劲的新兴市场的增长机遇非洲和艾萨市场 - 在那里他们非常强大。

Here is a perfect example of where Nokia could worry about Apple's numbers and market share but to do so would be counterproductive.这是一个完美的例子就是诺基亚可能对苹果的数量和市场份额,但担心这样做会适得其反。 What they should worry about is what customers and prospects want in the Smartphone category, which is I believe what they are doing.他们应该担心的是什么客户和潜在客户希望在智能手机范畴,它是我相信他们在做什么。

Back to the Insight Model 回到透视模型

The insight model was designed to show how combining customer data (user experience), with clickstream data (web) and taking into account the competitive environment (outside your company bubble) can lead to intelligent action.洞察模型的目的是要展示如何结合客户数据(用户体验)与点击流数据(网络)并考虑到公司外部的竞争环境泡沫()会导致智能的行动。 Action is the key.行动是关键。 In all cases if you can't act on the data it's simply nice to know.在所有情况下,如果你不能作用于数据它只是高兴知道。 Actions at least lead to measurable results and they in turn should lead to new actions.行动至少导致可衡量的结果,从而导致新的,他们应该采取行动。 That leads to continuous forward motion that drives your success.这导致不断前进的动力,驱动你的成功。 Looking at competitors alone is only a small part of the whole discipline.在竞争对手上来看只是整个纪律的一小部分。