
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/25 16:50:27
We have previously published articles on unusual uses for peanut butter and beer which proved very popular – so today we are presenting another fun list of out-of-the-ordinary uses for a rather ordinary product: coke. Coke was introduced by the Coca Cola company in 1886 – making it a rather true and tested favorite of generations of people in over 200 countries (at least according to the company). This list should give you some ideas on how to get more from your coke than usual.由于先前我们发布的关于花生酱和啤酒妙用的文章广受欢迎——所以今天我们又列出了一种相当普通商品的非凡妙用以飨读者:可乐。可乐是可口可乐公司于1886年推出的产品——并且它也成为了能真正经得住200多个国家好几代人考验的最受欢迎的产品(至少公司是这样对外宣称的)。以下内容将会为您揭开可乐非凡妙用的面纱:
10 Rust Buster10、铁锈克星

Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster. If you have a bunch of small objects that need de-rusting, soak them in coke overnight and give them a good scrub in the morning. The properties of coke help to break down the rust particles, making cleaning much easier. You can also apply coke to a chrome finish which is rust spotted – pour some on a rough textured cloth and rub it in a circular motion. Be sure to throw out the used coke when you are done with it or you might be taking a trip to the doctor.可口可乐是铁锈的“天敌”。如果您有一堆小零件需要除锈,把它们在可乐里泡一夜,早晨起来给它们“洗个澡”就OK了。由于可乐的化学特性有助于分解铁锈颗粒,从而清洗起来更加容易。您也可以在有锈斑的镀铬物表面涂上一层可乐——砂布上也来些,然后转圈打磨,即可除锈。辛苦地除完锈之后,您一定要记得把这些用过的可乐给丢掉哟,不然您可能得受累去找医生了。
9 Clean a Window9、洁窗助手

Like the previous item, the citric acid in Coke makes for an excellent window cleaner. This is especially useful for car windows which can get tough buildups of gunk. Pour over the can of coke and rub the window – then wipe it off with a damp cloth (to ensure the removal of any sticky residue from the sugars in the drink). Think of this like a cheap alternative to the many citrus fruit based cleaners that are sold on TV.如同上一项的作用机理,可乐中的柠檬酸是清洗窗户的好助手。这对经常受顽固油腻物积累影响的车窗特别有用。在窗子上倒一罐可乐,然后擦拭——最后用湿布擦去窗子上的可乐(以确保来自饮料的黏性糖类残留物清除干净)。仔细一想,这还真有点像是对电视上销售的许多柑橘类清洁剂的廉价替代。
8 Eat It8、烹饪搭档

Coke can be used for a variety of cooking techniques. You can mix it half and half with BBQ sauce for an excellent marinade, and you can even casserole an entire chicken in it. Here is a tasty recipe for chicken pieces cooked on the stove top with coke – try it, you will be pleasantly surprised. The sugars give a deep glossy coating and caramelized flavor, while the citric acid (found in lemons) gives a nice tang. Coke also makes a great glaze for baked ham.
7 De-Skunk7、除臭威士

For those of you who live in areas where skunk smells can be an issue from time to time, one can of coke added to a bucket of water with detergent really helps to break the odor down. If you have been sprayed, stand in the shower and cover yourself from head to toe with coke – wait for a few minutes, then rinse off. The added bonus is that coke is an excellent hair treatment so you get two tips for the price of one with this item!对于那些居住在时常会被气味困扰地方的人们,一罐可乐外加一桶含有清洁剂的水可以完全帮您除去异味。如果您不幸被它“击中”,不要在意,站在喷头下面,从头到脚都淋上可乐——过几分钟,然后冲洗干净。就这么简单!最后再送您一份秘诀,让您花一份钱得两份实惠:可乐是极佳的头发护理品。
6 Pain Killer6、止痛高手

The chemicals in coca cola can be very effective to help neutralize the pain of jellyfish stings. The best thing about this is that while most people at the beach are unlikely to be carrying anti-sting lotions, they are likely to be carrying a bottle of coke. Just pour the coke over the area in which you have been stung and feel the relief. If you don’t happen to have any coke, the other alternative treatment is to pee on the stung part of your body – or to have someone else pee on it for you.
5 De-blacken Pots5、锅底除黑

Pots can sometimes get a black film on the bottom which is almost impossible to remove; this is caused by over-cooking or just natural discoloration due to highly acidic foods. To remove the black and restore your pot to new, pour in a can of coke (or as much as you need to cover the blackened area by an inch) and put it on the stove on a low heat. After an hour or so, wash the pot as normal.
4 Clean Clothes4、清洗衣物

Grease stains are famously difficult to remove from clothing and stain removers can be very expensive. Here is a cheap solution: empty a can of coke into your wash along with the usual detergent and run it through a normal cycle. This is also quite effective for removing blood and it helps to deodorize smelly clothes.衣物上的油渍是公认最难清洗的,然而去污剂可能又非常贵。这里给您提供一个省钱的解决办法:将一罐可乐连同普通的洗涤剂一起倒入洗衣机中,然后转一个周期就OK了。这种方法对清洗血渍也十分有效,同时还可以去除衣服上的异味。
3 Kill Bugs3、消灭虫子

This item also appeared on the beer list – and it works just the same. Pour some cola into a shallow dish and place it in the garden near the problem area. Slugs, snails, and other bugs will go in for a drink and never come out again! This is a very good first line of attack in your garden and it can obviously save you an enormous amount of money by reducing the need for pesticides. You can pour the left over coke (minus the bugs) onto plants that like acidic soil like azaleas and gardenias.这一项在啤酒妙用中也提到过——它的原理是一样的。在一张浅碟里倒些可乐,然后把它放在花园中虫子经常出没的地方附近。鼻涕虫、蜗牛、还有一些其他的虫子会爬进去“享用”,然后就再也出不来了!在您的花园中这是多么完美的一线出击,并且这显然为您省下了买杀虫剂所需的巨额资金。之后,您可以将用过的可乐(除去虫子的)浇灌喜欢酸性土壤的植物,像杜鹃和栀子。
2 Heal Yourself2、治疗疾病

Coca cola is useful for a variety of ailments. The most common is for soothing upset stomachs. Just slowly sip a glass of flat coke and it should help to alleviate nausea. It is also good for people suffering from diarrhea or a sore throat. I would say that it can also cure hiccups but, frankly, a glass of water should do the same thing, as the chemicals in coke don’t offer any special “anti-hiccup” magic.可口可乐对多种疾病都很有效。最常用的是缓解反胃。慢慢呷完一满杯可乐,对缓解反胃有很大帮助。如果出现腹泻、喉咙痛的症状,可乐也有很好的疗效。我还想说的是它其实也可以治疗打嗝,但是,老实说来,一杯水应该也可以解决这个问题,因为可乐的化学成分中没有能提供特殊“防打嗝”魔力的。
1 Make an Explosion1、“火山”喷发
Most people who have been around on the Internet for at least a few years will be familiar with the diet-coke-Mentos volcano. The idea is that you drop a Mentos into a bottle of coke and the chemical reaction causes the coke to spurt for miles (not literally of course). The video clip above shows a great example of this fun use for coke. Why not buy a bunch of bottles this weekend and see if you can do better than the efforts shown above?
en           至6块鸡块
1 . scallions                      一捆葱
1/2 tsp. thyme                        半茶匙百里香
3 tbsp. oil (olive oil)               3汤匙油(橄榄油)
1 oz. Coke-Cola                       一盎司可口可乐
over pasta or rice.