
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/25 16:10:59
Don't let the other person think that you are depriving them of something. It is their problem if they want to put themselves at risk for diseases and pregnancy. 不要让别人认为你在让取得他们的某些东西。如果他们想冒得病或者怀孕的风险,那就他们的问题了。
End the discussion quickly. After you've firmly said "no", move on to talking about something else. 迅速地结束谈论。在你坚决地说出“不”之后,继续谈论些其他的东西。
Here are some comebacks to common come-on lines:以下是一些对于常见引诱者的机智回答:
The Come-on: Trust me. I won't let anything happen to you.引诱者:相信我。我不会让你出任何事情。
The Come-back: You don't have control over the whole situation. You don't know what is going to happen afterwards and I don't want to take the risk.反驳者:你也不能控制整个局势。之后不知道会发生什么事情,我也不想冒险。
The Come-on: I've been tested and I'm clean.引诱者:我检查过了,我没有病的。
The Come-back: It's nice that you've been tested, but I'm looking for someone who doesn't need to be tested because they are waiting like me. Besides, STDs aren't the only consequence of having sex. There is also the possibility of pregnancy and I'm definitely not ready to be a teenage mom!反驳者:你检查过了是很好,但是我在找哪个不需要检查的的人,因为他像我一样在等待着。另外,做爱的结果并不一定是染上性病,也有可能怀孕,我肯定是不想做一个青少年妈妈。
The Come-on: But I love you. Don't you love me?引诱者:但是我爱你。你不爱我吗?
The Come-back: Love has nothing to do with it. I respect myself enough to wait.反驳者:这与爱无关。我很自重,会一直等待的。
The Come-on: SHOW me how much you love me.引诱者:告诉我你有多爱我。
The Come-back: I am showing you how much I love you by waiting.反驳者:我正在通过等待向你展示我有多么爱你。
The Come-on: No one will find out about this.引诱者:没有人会发现这个的。
The Come-back: I will, and people knowing will be the least of my problems if I get a disease or have a baby.反驳者:我会的,而且如果我得病了或者怀孕了,人们知不知道那是我的事情。
The Come-on: It will bring us closer together.引诱者:那会使我们更加亲密地在一起。
The Come-back: If anything, it will make things more complicated and tear us apart. 反驳者:如果发生任何状况,都会使事情变得复杂并且让我们分开。
The Come-on: If you won't have sex with me, I'll just find someone who will.引诱者:如果你不和我做爱,我就去找愿意的人去做。
The Come-back: Go ahead. Find someone who doesn't respect you.反驳者:去吧。去找那些不尊重你的人吧。
The Come-on: I'll break up with you if you don't have sex with me.引诱者:如果你不和我做爱我们就分手。
The Come-back: How sad that you are only with me to have sex. Now that I know this, it looks like you're doing me a favor dumping me.反驳者:原来你和我在一起只知道做爱,多么可悲。现在我知道了,你甩了我吧,正好帮我个忙。
The Come-on: It's OK, I've got a condom.引诱者:好吧,我有个安全套。
The Come-back: Condoms aren't 100% effective against STDs and pregnancy, and provide zero protection from the emotional hurt I could suffer.反驳者:安全套对性病和怀孕也不是100%的有效,对我要遭受的感情伤害更是没有丝毫的保护。
The Come-on: I'll always love you. Let me share this with you.引诱者:我会永远爱你的,让我来和你一起享受这个。
The Come-back: If you will always love me, then it won't make a difference if we wait until I'm ready.反驳者:如果你会永远爱我,就等到我准备好了的时候吧,那并没什么不同。