【中国企业雄起 三公司入驻500强前十】(视频)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/25 05:37:13
受金融危机和经济衰退重创,虽然榜单被称为“财富500强”(fortune500),但今年多家美国媒体却把这一榜单戏称为“不幸的500强” (unfortune500)。2008年,500家企业的营收总和为989亿美元,比2007年的6452亿美元跳水85%,可以说是54年来《财富》杂志500强的年度跳水冠军。
Fortune Magazine has released its annual list of top global 500 companies. Wal-Mart Stores secures first position, and three Chinese companies broke the top 10.
Under the stress of the financial crisis, Wal-Mart did well to knock Royal Dutch Shell out of the topslot into second place. Three Chinese companies - Sinopec, StateGrid and China National Petroleum - all gained spots in the top 10.
China's dominance is thanks to the global financial crisis, which badly affected the U.S. and Europe. Unemployment rose sharply in the U.S., Europe and Japan, and their companies couldn't sustain the high profit gains of 2009. But China boosted their companies with a better business environment, created by economic stimulus plans.

Fortune Magazine: 《财富》杂志,《财富》杂志是一本由美国人亨利•鲁斯创办于1930年,主要刊登经济问题研究文章。现隶属时代华纳集团旗下的时代公司。《财富》杂志自1954年推出全球500强排行榜,历来都成为经济界关注的焦点,影响巨大。
Royal Dutch Shell: 荷兰皇家壳牌集团(Royal Dutch Shell,又译蚬壳)是世界第二大石油公司,总部位于荷兰海牙。
economic stimulus plans: 经济刺激计划,又常作“(economic) stimulus package”。
作者:跳跳虎(译文、注释) | CCTV9