
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/20 15:36:47


作者:陈冬亮 2010-05-19 字体:【大 中 小】
英文标题:Product Research and Development based on the Innovation System of Industrial Design
英文摘要:With the global economic integration progress,the trend of Industrial division of labor is irreversible. In 2008,a global financial tsunami quickly swept through the world\'s major economies by the U.S.sub-loan crisis.In this financial tsunami,after the cut of export tax rebate,processing trade policy adjustments, increasing RMB appreciation,reduce of overseas orders and the rising prices of raw materials,China\'s manufacturing which has grown up rapidly with the reform and opening-up is facing a new round of heavy combat.With advent of China\'s manufacturing winter,the contribution of design is of concern in the processing of turning"Made in China"to"Designed in China".According to the theory of economics and the current international situation in the industrial chain division of labor,most of the profits are created by six non-manufacturing segments which are product design,raw material procurement,logistics and transport, order processing,wholesale operations,terminal retail in addition to the processing and manufacturing.And this is the theory of"6 and 1".Because of the unique capability of the resource integration,design is no longer limited to the theory of"6 and 1",but penetrate all-round to all aspects of the industry chain. This paper interprets the industrial design models and methods on the corporate strategic level and tactical level,through the analysis of China\'s medical device manufacturing industry needs and FEP-BY Series of high-intensity focused ultrasound tumor therapy machine R & D projects.This paper also discuss how to use industrial design and knowledge management system of design management through strategy and product research and development and help and guide the enterprises to turn scientific and technological achievements into practical productive forces,promote independent innovation of enterprises,create"highattractive products"to win the new markets and participate in the international competition with a more complete form of the industrial chain.
创新+设计+管理 2009清华国际设计管理大会;清华大学美术学院工业设计系主办;中国北京;2009-04。
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