
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/24 11:48:07

专题一 教育技术理论与新理念研究···· 1

教育技术学基本范畴体系初探··· 1

Investigation on the Basic Domain System of Educational Technology

汪基德 周凤瑾 毛春华

理解性学习与倾听式教学——论“二阶观察”与“二阶控制论”的启示···· 5

Comprehensive Learning and Listening Teaching——The Enlightenment of “Second-order Observation” and “Second-order Cybernetics”

莫永华 仇雪梅

教育信息技术异化现象审视:工具理性的视角··· 9

Analysis on Alienation of Educational Technology:From the Aspect of Instrumental Rationality

张刚要 余 武

院校任职教育下教学设计的研究··· 13

Education Institutions to Serve the Teaching of Research Design

孙厚钊 任训平

“多元智能”与“因材施教”之比较研究··· 17

The Study of “Multiple Intelligence” Compare with “Educate Students According to Their Capability”


教学评价中教员授课质量综合评估··· 21

Evaluation of Teachers Teaching in Comprehensive Assessment of Teaching Quality

王 斌 任在安

基于加涅九段教学过程模型的网络课程设计··· 25

Network Course Design Which is Based on Gagne’s Nine Phases Instructional Processes Model

王 磊 曹会云

一种多元化的学习共同体教学模式··· 30

A Diversity Learning Communities Teaching Model

曹世华 沈惠惠 沈玲玲

群组认知——新的学习视角··· 34

Group Cognition: The New Perspective of Learning

李保安 马祖苑

技术文化观中的中国教育技术发展研究··· 39

Chinese Educational Technology Development Research of Techno-Cultural Point

樊 旭 刘 刚 杨志刚

AECT2005定义对我国教育技术发展的启示··· 43

The AECT2005 Definition’s Enlightenment for the Development of Educational Technology

of Our Country


教育技术的复杂性探索··· 46

Explore the Complexity of Educational Technology

解 利

教育技术学中隐喻探析··· 50

Analysis of the Metaphor in Educational Technology

匡慧姝 欧阳明

多元智能理论对信息技术与课程整合的影响··· 53

The Impact of the Multiple Intelligences Theory on Integration of Information Technology and the Curriculum

杨 琼 杨 成

教学设计师怎样进行教学设计——对教学设计教学的启示··· 56

How do Instructional Designers Make Instructional Design ——Enlightenment on Teaching

of Instructional Design


E-learning应用中产生的认知负荷及对策研究··· 60

Research on Cognitive Load and Countermeasures in E-learning Applications

孔 晶

基于Flash的协作概念构图系统研究··· 64

Collaborative Concept Mapping System Based on Flash

马德四 陈明选

基于建构主义的创新型虚拟实验平台开发··· 69

Development of Innovational Virtual Laboratory Platform Based on Constructivism

于平太 王基生

认知风格视野下的网络学习环境设计··· 74

E-Learning Environment Design from the Perspective of Cognitive Style Theory


基于泛在学习模式的终身学习··· 79

Model Based on the Ubiquitous Learning of Life-long Learning


基于博客的多元评价模式设计的探讨··· 84

The Model of Multiple Evaluation Based on Blog Design’s Discussion

赵 磊 刘庆圣

多学科视角探析信息技术与幼儿教育整合··· 89

The Multidisciplinary Analysis of Integrating Information Technology into Preschool Education

何 磊

国内教育技术走向企业培训的研究综述··· 93

The Trip of Instructional Technology in Enterprise Training Through the Analysis of Literature

朱 静 钱大海

论精品课程建设中教学设计的重要性··· 97

Discuss on “The Importance of Instructional Design in Quality Course Construction”

张 晶 田少煦 傅 霖 孟 燕

基于学习风格差异的在线交互实证研究··· 103

Emprical Study on Online Interaction Based on the Learning Style Differences

周京伟 刘 冬


——基于国内学者对2005教育技术定义解读的研究··· 107

The Analysis and Comparison of “Reading the Definition of AECT2005 Education Technology”

—— Based on the Demestic Scholars’ Interpretion of the Defiintion of AECT2005 Education Technology

武 悦

基于“理解”的游戏设计案例分析··· 111

The Analysis of an E-game Design Based on Understanding Theory

杨 静

教育信息化环境下应对方式的培养··· 114

The Culture of the Ways of Coping Under the Education Informationization

陈 曦 张亚梅

绩效技术与教学设计的比较研究··· 117

Comparative Research in Performance Technology and Teaching Design

张 雪

专题二 教育信息技术应用研究···· 122

信息化环境下的问题解决研究··· 122

The Research of Problem Solving in Information-based Problem Solving Environment

常文武 徐志伟

基于电子绩效支持系统的职业技能发展··· 126

Professional Skills Development Based on Electronic Performance Support Systems

冯 锐 满晓琳

Mind Manager概念图在生物教学中的应用··· 131

Exploration and Analysis for Concept Maps Drawed by Mind Manager in Biology Teaching

崔 鸿 吕 晶 郭 旭

校际开放型项目教学模式研究··· 136

A Study of Inter-school Open-ended Project Instruction

岑 岗 林雪芬

数值分析实践性教学研究及与教育信息技术的结合··· 140

Study on Practical Teaching of Numerical Analysis and It’s Combination with Information Technology


数据挖掘在教学评价中的应用空间分析··· 143

Analyses the Application of Data Mining in Educational Evaluation

李华旸 李热爱

基于H.264的视频自适应传输系统的设计与实现··· 147

Design and Implementation of Adaptive Video Transmission System based on H.264

白继海 王丽影  陈 爽

在工科院校中开设教育技术选修课的探索和思考··· 151

Exploration and Consideration of Offering Educational Technology Elective Course in Engineering Colleges

徐世东 宋 亮 徐 明 金 蕾 周恕义 曹 茜

金融危机下E-learning在企业培训中的应用··· 154

The Application of E-learning in Corporate Training During Financial Crisis

王秀荣 冯旭鹏 孙良林

PowerPoint在日常教学中的有效应用探究··· 158

The Effective Application of PowerPoint in the Day-to-day Teaching

仇雪梅 莫永华

测量信息意识的研究··· 162

The Study of Measuring Information Consciousness

罗祎晟 张远钧

多媒体课件教学中心理疲劳调节策略的研究··· 167

Research on Mental Fatigue Regulation Strategies in Multimedia Courseware Teaching

白继海 晁建媛 肖 娟

网络环境下教师资源共享评价指标体系的构建——以网络教学平台为例··· 170

Construction of Teacher Resources Sharing Evaluation Index System in Network Environment

——Take Network Teaching Platform for Example

黄伟琳 杨薇薇 贾靖林 熊才平

浅谈在信息技术环境下高中生物教学三维目标的实现——以Moodle平台为例···· 175

On the Realization of Three-dimensional Targets of High School Biology Teaching under Information Technology Environment—Take Moodel Platform for Example

崔 鸿 罗 颖

MMORPGs的设计机制及其对教育网络游戏设计的启示——以QQ华夏为例··· 178

Design Mechanism of MMORPGs and its Enlightenment to Design of Educational Network Games—Take QQ Huaxia for Example

刘庆圣 郑志高

Moodle平台在研究生协作学习中的应用研究——以“教育技术研究方法”为例··· 183

Applied Research on Moodle Flatform in Graduate Collaborative Learning—Take Educational Technology Research Methods for Example

韩国芬 傅钢善

Research on Incentive Mechanism of Game Learning Software· 189

Bai Xinguo

基于超媒体知识元的搜索引擎教学探究——生命周期法在网络教学中的应用···· 193

Exploration of Search Engine Teaching Based on Hypermedia Knowledge Element—Application of Life Cycle Method in Network Teaching

付达杰 唐 琳

基于绩效技术的企业化网络教育平台环境分析及发展趋势——以洪恩在线网络教育平台为例··· 196

The Trends of Environment Patterns Analysis for the Enterprise Networking Educational Platform Based on Performance Technology

雷 洋 温珍玉 张慧琼 焦宝聪

基于绩效技术的企业培训方案设计研究——以A寿险公司新秀培训为例··· 201

Research on the Design Strategy of Enterprise’s Training Based on Performance Technology

——Take Life Insurance Company A for Example


基于绩效技术的人性化企业培训··· 206

Humanized Corporate Training Based on Performance Technology

马瑞娜 张龙革

基于社会性软件的网络自适应学习··· 210

Adaptive Learning in the Network Based on Social Network Software

彭伟国 李 明

交互式电子白板的教学应用研究综述··· 214

Review on Study of Instructional Application of Interactive Whiteboard

战 锐

分布式认知视角下远程教育网络平台探析··· 218

Distributed Cognition Perspective of Network Platform of Distance Education

张 颖

浅谈基于Moodle平台的机器人教学理论与实践··· 221

Preliminary Discussion on Robot Teaching Theory and Practice Based on Moodle Platform

赵加兴 刘富逵

天文学自主型学习系统的设计··· 226

The Design of Astronomy Autonomous Learning System

陈吉波 林雪芬

PSpice,EWB,Qucs三种电子电路仿真软件在教学中的运用比较··· 230

Application Comparison in Teaching of Three Types of Electronic Circuit Simulation Software: PSpice,EWB and Qucs

刘明洁 文福安

“目标导向”交互设计开发英语课件··· 233

Development of English Courseware Based on "Goal-oriented" Interactive Design

钱 溢

“智猪博弈”模型对合作学习中激励机制的启示··· 237

Inspiration of Incentive Mechanism of Cooperation - learning Based on the Model of “Clever Pig Game”

戴新菊 焦宝聪

信息化进程中士官学员信息素质的培养··· 240

Training of N.C.O cadets’ Information Literacy in the Process of Information

廖从伟 杨海波

信息化学习资源对中学生学习效果的影响分析··· 244

Analysis of the Study Effect in the Informational-resources Environment

俞 瑜

信息技术教育在应对网络负面影响的作用和策略··· 248

The Functions and Strategies of Information Technology Education in Tackling the Negative Impact

of the Internet

蔡家定 张文杰

研究生利用博客进行学习的研究··· 253

Research on Postgraduates’ Using Blog as a Learning Tool

范 瑾

高校教育信息化进程中的障碍与对策分析··· 258

Analysis on Obstacles and Solutions in the Process of Information Orientated Education in Higher Institutions

杨 明 刘 巍

专题三  教育技术学科建设及人才培养研究···· 262

转型期教育技术学发展面临的机遇与挑战···· 262

The Opportunity and Challenge for Educational Technology Development in Transformation Period


关于院校教育技术中心人才建设及发展的几点思考··· 265

Some Consideration on the Cultivation of Innovative Talent in Educational Technology Center

of the College and University

卓  蔚

美国大学助教培训经验对我国大学助教培训工作的启示··· 269

Inspiration Given by the Experience of Training Graduate Teaching Assistant in America

蒋  静  刘子瑜  王友航  郝  庆

教育实习网络平台:职前教师实践性知识管理的新途径··· 275

Educational Practicum Network: A New Way for Pre-service Teachers to Manage Their Practical Knowledge

陆和萍  朱碧霞  楼广赤

教育技术学硕士研究生实践教学探索··· 280

Exploration of Practical Teaching of Educational Technology Postgraduate

张  楠  张龙革

由教育技术学本科毕业生流向引发的对学科建设的思考··· 284

The Reasoning about Education Technology Discipline Construction Caused by the Following

of Education Technology Normal Graduates


成功智力理论对教育技术学专业人才培养的启示··· 289

Inspiration of Theory of Successful Intelligence to Educational Technology Talent Training


我国教育技术学中的“两张皮“现象——教育技术学专业学生就业难原因剖析··· 292

The Separate Phenomenon in Educational Technology


基于应用型人才培养的教育技术学专业实践环节研究··· 297

The Research of Practical Teaching Step in ET Specialty Based on the Cultivation of Applied Talents

莫云峰  覃  伟

个案研究:教育软件方向本科课程设置问题与对策··· 300

Case Study: Problems and Countermeasures about ET’s Educational Software Undergraduate Course Arrangement

曾  玲  陈孟娴

专题四  教育信息化发展研究···· 304

基础教育课程改革背景下信息化教学模式的构建研究··· 304

Research on Construction of Informative Teaching Mode under Context of Basic-education Curriculum Reforms

崔  鸿  廖美芳  寇永奎

学生网络成瘾的原因分析与预防和戒除措施研究··· 310

Research on Causes and Countermeasures for Students’ Internet Addiction Disorder(IAD)

汪学均  雷体南  王钰洁

院校教育信息化中教育技术的应用研究··· 313

Colleges of Education and Information Technology in Education Study

任训平  孙厚钊

中学校园网教育绩效影响因素分析··· 316

The Analysis of the Impact of the Campus Internet on Educational Performance

张红英  陈明选

“工学结合”理念下的高职国际商务专业的课程开发研究··· 320

Exploration into Combination of Practice with Education for Curriculum Development of International Business Major in Higher Vocational Education

王  超  王  迎

少数民族地区职业学校教育信息化建设的探索与展望——以内蒙古赤峰农牧学校为例··· 326

Explore and Prospect on Information Education of Ethnic Minority Area

高洪波  张艳明

教育电视专业化品牌的发展研究··· 329

Research on the Specialized Brand Development of Educational Television

周晓春  周  妍

基于信息化课堂的教学交互研究··· 332

Research on Instructional Interaction in Information-based Classroom

田  健  阳嵘莎  杨改学

基于Google site 的教师专业发展的新模式探究··· 337

The New Exploring Models of Google Site-based Teacher Professional Development


虚拟教研社区的实践探索··· 342

The Practice and Exploration of Virtual Instructional Research Community

李  娟  张景生  郭  峰

教育信息化环境中影响师生健康的因素探析··· 346

Brief Analysis of the Problem Affecting People’s Health in the Educational Informatization Environment


“农远工程”教师培训的绩效评价——以湖北省农村中小学远程教育工程教师培训项目为案例··· 350

The Performance Evaluation of Teacher Training about Chinese Rural Distance Education Project

—— Based on the Teacher Training of Rural Distance Education Project in Hubei

何  敏  李雪冬  李  沁  曾  敬

运用教育技术支持特殊教育··· 355

The Use of Educational Technology in Support of Special Education

吴晓芬  许家成

信息技术教育之人本主义浅谈··· 359

Superficial Discussion on Humanistic Psychology of Information Technology Education


边远地区师范院校《现代教育技术》公共课教学改革研究··· 362

Teaching Reform Research on Public Course of Modern Education Technology in Normal Universities among Remote Area

苟泽志  李文高

网络学习平台下大学生英语自主学习的调查和研究··· 365

The Investigation and Study of Web-based Self-directed Learning of College Students


研究性学习课程的评价探究··· 369

Evaluation on Research Learning Course

王  亮

基于网络平台的多维心理沟通模式构建··· 372

Multidimensional Psychological Consultation Mode Based on Network Flat

曾  敬  余志显  何  敏

课堂教学监控理论指导下的B-Learning教学研究··· 377

The Integration of Monitoring of Classroom Teaching Theory and B-Learning


面向教育实践主体的教育信息化管理功能标准··· 380

Function Standard of Management of Education Information Facing with Education Groups

侯  娟

浅谈现代教育技术对广西高校教育信息化的促进作用··· 385

Simple Talk about the Promotion and Effect of Education Informationzation in Colleges and Universities

of Guangxi by the Modern Educational Technology

蒋珍莲  李玉梅

透析博士生导师现状——看教育技术学发展新趋向··· 388

Analysis Doctoral Tutor Status —— Discover the Development Trends of Educational Technology


信息时代教育传播效果的测量和反馈··· 392

Measurement and Feedback of the Effects of Educational Communications in the Age

of Informatization Education

樊  娟

教师信息化专业发展,中学教师需要什么··· 397

Information Specialty Development for teachers and What Secondary School Teachers Needs


《目录链接》课例评析——“任务驱动”在信息技术课上的应用··· 401

“Directory links” Lesson Analysis —— the Application of Task-driving Teaching Method in the Class

of Information Technology

李  璐  张文杰

专题五  教学信息资源建设与应用研究···· 405

区域性教育资源建设成效的绩效评价研究··· 405

Research on the Performance Evaluation for Regional Educational Resources’ Construction

胡小勇 林晓凡 陈惜刁

从体育精品课程建设看教育技术应用实践··· 411

Application Practice of Educational Technology in Construction of Physical Education Extract Curriculum

刘玫瑾 孙鹏宇

电视节目制作基础课程数字化学习模式的研究与实践··· 415

Research and Practice on Digital Learning Model of TV Programming Basic Courses

汪家宝 杨德军 牟英华 李文联 郝  峰

教育游戏在综合实践活动课程中的应用价值··· 419

The Application Values of Educational Games in Comprehensive Practical Course

蒋  宇 张结实 尚俊杰

教育游戏在《现代教育技术》网络课程中的应用探究··· 425

The Application Reseach on Educational Games in Modern Educational Technology, Snetwork Course

朱  玮 董秀芳 杨九民

网络课程开发中Web2.0模式的应用探索··· 430

The Study of Web Course Based on Web2.0

聂竹明 朱永海

基于Web的个性化学习环境的设计研究··· 434

The Design Study of Web-based Personalized Learning Environment

李宇峰 李兆

立足教育本身  科学对待Web2.0· 438

Treat Web2.0 Scientifically Based on Education Itself

许  彤 雷体南

英语口语机考系统中朗读型试题自动评阅功能的设计与实现··· 442

Design and Implementation of Automatic Marking Function of Read-type Test in Computer-based Oral English Test System

汪忠国 吴  敏

音乐学习系统的研究与设计··· 445

Research and Design of Music Learning System

李 炜 孙晓勇 岑 岗

本科生精品课程评价方案的研究··· 450

The Research about Evaluation of the Undergraduate’s Excellent Courses

闻小娇 欧阳明

厦大社区网络服务系统的规划··· 455

Design of Xiamen University Social Networking Services System


电力线通信技术在协同实验室中的应用··· 465

The Application of Power Line Communication Technology in Collaboratory

吕 超 艾 伦

网络阅读的优势、问题与优化··· 470

The Advantages,Problems and Optimal Strategy of Network Reading

王  健

成教课程《教学设计》的案例教学··· 474

Case Teaching of Adult Education Course "Instructional Design"


多媒体及网络技术在《数码摄像》教学中的运用探讨··· 477

Discussion of the Application of Multimedia and Network Technology in "Digital Camera" Teaching

胡天文 陈声健 周庆芳

远程教育学习支持服务质量评价——学生满意度的视角··· 480

Distance Education Learning Support Services Quality Assessment——The Perspective

of Student Satisfaction

靳会峰 樊文强

基于Delphi的学生机房上机登记控制管理系统设计与实现··· 484

Delphi–based Computer Room User Registration Control System:Design and Realization


基于iGoogle的个人学习资源管理··· 491

The Management of Personal Study Resources Based on iGoogle

嵇兰兰 黄萍萍

基于JiTT的网络教学模式研究··· 494

The Research of Network Teaching Model on JiTT

朱婉瑛 彭文辉 朱本靖 陈  云

基于研究性学习的网络课程设计··· 499

Design of Web Course Based on Research Study

余  艳 安明林 汪 宁

视觉素养教育中网页阅读能力培养探究··· 505

The Research of Training the Page Reading Ability in the Visual Literacy Education

丁 彦

提高学生网络学习适应性的研究··· 510

Research on Improving Students’ Adaptability in Web-based Learning

陈  云 彭文辉 邓  莹 朱婉瑛

专题六  现代远程教育理论与实践研究···· 514

The Great Debate-F2F, WWW, or Blended?: Ten Brave Proponents in Four Acts· 514

Cheng Chang Pan  Ya-Chen Chien  Ming-Hsiu Tsai

发展中国远程开放大学的核心要素及对要素内涵的认识··· 518

The Core Elements of Developing the Distance and Open University of China and the Understanding

of the Connotation of the Elements


电子杂志在远程培训教材开发中的应用研究··· 522

Research on E-zine Applied in Materials Development of Distance Training


基于电子档案袋的大学英语在线学习系统研究··· 527

Research on College English Online Learning System Based on Electronic Portfolio

李新平  张红梅  许  玲

加快发展继续教育是建立和完善终身教育体系的重要途径··· 531

Quicken Development Continuing Education Is A Important Approach of Establishing and

Consummating Lifelong Education System

陆春来  刘 澎  谭金生  杨建波

学习支架在网络非实时教学中的应用··· 537

The Application of Scaffold in the Network of Non-real-time Teaching

王  静

澳门特别行政区成人教育发展引发的思考··· 540

The Consideration of Adult Education in Macao Special Administrative Region

姚  娟  王  娟

南非远程教育发展述评··· 544

Review of the Development of Distance Education in South Africa

叶步伟  钱大海  许  易

基于混合式学习模式的网络学习支持服务工具的设计··· 548

The Design of E-learning Support Services Tools on the Basis of Blended Learning Model

张  伟

媒体交互性的发展与远程教育··· 553

The Development of Interactive of Media and Distance Education


德国远程教育体制及对我国农村党员干部远程培训的启示··· 557

The System of Long Distance Education in Germany and Revelation to Chinese

Distance Training of the Party Cadres in Rural Areas

安  然  杨  成

日本放送大学本科专业研究及启示··· 564

Research and Inspiration of the University of the Air in Japan

丁侠  杨成

个人因素对网络学习的影响分析——基于《网络教育应用》课程··· 568

The Analysis of the Effects the Personal Factors do on the Web Learning Based on the Application

of the Web Learning Courses

李 叶  许家成

基于网络的协作学习案例研究··· 572

Web-based Collaborative Learning Case Studies

陈 雷  张文杰

教育生态学视角下的农远工程现状浅析··· 576

The Perspective of Ecology Education for Modern Distance Education in Rural Primary and

Secondary Schools Project

刘艳萍  傅钢善  孟  村

农村远程教育工程资源在中小学教学中的应用··· 579

The Application of Rural Tele-education in the Primary and Secondary School Teaching

吕  鑫  崔  鸿

苏南地区高中校园网教育绩效抽样调查报告··· 582

The Sample Survey Report about the Educational Performance of the Campus Network in South Jiangsu


网络教学平台的助教功能研究与设计··· 589

The Study and Design of Teaching Assistant Functions of Network Teaching Platform

唐 静  黄烟波

网络课程视频节目的重塑··· 592

Video Program on Remodeling of the Network Curriculum

王瑞霞  李新成

网络课程中学习者自控学习策略探究··· 596

Explore Learning Strategies for Self-controlling Learners in Network Curriculum

谌  亮  戴心来

网络学习共同体对教师专业能力提升的探究··· 599

Network-learning Community for the Research of Teachers to Enhance Professional Capacity

宫云凤  戴心来  李  红  吴家彬

为促进理解而教——网络环境教学中教师应该把握的几个问题··· 603

Teaching for Understanding——Several Factors Teachers Should Seize Under Network Teaching Environment

雍  花  陈明选

初探云计算在学习中的应用··· 608

The Study of the Application of Cloud-computing in Learning


概念图在网络协作学习中的运用··· 612

Application of Concept Maps in Computer-supported Cooperative Learning

孟 燕  傅 霖  张 晶

专题七  教育新技术以及教育媒体艺术研究···· 617

镜像神经元视角下的网络游戏社群与分布式认知··· 617

Under Mirror Neuron of View Network Game Social Group and Distributional Cognition

陶  侃

Web3.0在网络学习平台中应用的展望··· 623

Web3.0 E-learning Platform in the Application of the Outlook

范太华  冯 日

医学形态学科虚拟学习环境的设计··· 627

Design of Virtual Learning Environment of Medical Morphology

赵 辉  叶 莉

汉字语音转换为发音口形图像的软件设计··· 630

Design:The Software to Convert Chinese Pronunciation into Mouth Shape

李怀龙  潘冠敬  丁  贺

面向青少年网络迷失的防控技术研究··· 634

Technology of Preventing and Controlling Juvenile’s Addiction to the Internet

宋  彤

虚拟现实技术在教育中的应用研究综述··· 641

Research Summary of Virtual Reality Technology in Educational Spplication

刘富逵  赵加兴

微博客及其在E-learning中的应用··· 644

Micro-blogging and the Application in the E-learning

彭超云  朱乾娜  张剑平

虚拟现实技术在教育中的应用研究··· 649

Virtual Reality Technology in Education Study


虚拟现实技术在航空装备教学训练中的应用研究··· 653

The Application Research of Virtual Reality Technology in Aviation Equipment Teaching and Training

权晓林  钟绍春  单树森  戴文方  徐  骞

Mashup聚合技术及其在教育中的应用研究··· 657

The Research of Mashup Technology and Its Application in Education

钟久申  雷体南

NBC虚拟存储管理系统在多媒体教室计算机维护中的应用探索··· 661

NBC Virtual Memory Management System in the Multimedia Classroom Computer

to Explore the Application of Maintenance

宋 亮  徐 明  尹智勇

交互式多媒体视频技术:架设教育理论与实践的桥梁··· 664

Interactive Multimedia Video Technology: A Bridge of Linking Educational Theory and Practice


交互式数字电视及其在网络教育中的应用··· 668

Interactive Digital Television and the Application in the Network Education


Wiki在教育领域应用的理性分析及措施探究··· 672

Analysis of the Application of Wiki in the Field of Education and Exploration of Measures


浅析影响技术在教育中应用的因素及对策··· 677

The Factors That Affect Technology’s Application in Education and Countermeasure

李 明  彭伟国

我国机器人教育的现状、问题及对策分析··· 681

The Present Stations Problems and Strategies of the Robotics Education of Our Country

张冬梅  刘  云

动漫型课件的屏幕布局设计··· 685

The Design on Screen Layout of Animated Cartoon Courseware

闵洁琼  詹青龙  赵 辉

基于ASP. NET学科教学平台的构建··· 689

Construction of Subject Teaching Platform based on ASP. NET

朱 琦  宫 贺  李兆

交互式电子白板特点及存在的问题与对策研究··· 692

Interactive Whiteboard Characteristics and Existing Problems and Countermeasures

李大伟  赵冬梅  马 欣

手持式学习设备的媒介分析··· 695

Media Analysis of Hand-held learning Devices

杨银科  朱敬东

基于移动学习和移动服务的农村教师继续教育培训··· 698

Continuing Education and Training of Teachers in Rural Areas Based on Mobile Learning and Mobile Services

周  震  朱敬东

大学生英语移动学习实证研究··· 702

Empirical Research on English Mobile Learning of College Students

王 伟  钟绍春  吕森林  权晓林  尚建新

走向成功的移动学习··· 707

A Framework for Successful Mobile Lerners

赵彦敏  殷秀兰

微内容环境中的学习者体验设计··· 710

Learner Experience Design in Microcontent-based Environment

张  浩  杨凌霞

移动学习中的教学设计模式探讨··· 715

Exploration on ID Model in Mobile Learning

王  靖  梁  蓉

专题八  数字校园建设与应用研究···· 719

高等院校实现3G与校园网融合的模式初探··· 719

The Integration Between 3G and Campus Network in Higher Education

熊国经  冯喜花

利用网络教学平台促进数字化校园建设··· 723

Promoting Construction of the Digital Campus by the Network Teaching Platform

赵 辉  曾启程

以大学生个人知识管理促健康校园网络文化建设··· 726

Presses the Healthy Campus Cyber Cultural Reconstruction by the University Student Personal Knowledge Management

马维启  何云亮

数字校园公共基础平台建设··· 729

Public Infrastructure Platform Building of Digital Campus

徐  军

面向高校教务管理应用的业务数据交换中间件初探··· 734

Research of Business Data Interchange Middleware for Educational Administration at Colleges and Universities

杨 嵘  吉振宇

厦门大学数字校园建设报告··· 737

Building Report of Digital Campus in Xiamen University


高校网络课程的有效应用研究··· 744

The Effective Application Research on College Network Courses


高校学生资助信息管理系统的设计和开发··· 747

Design and Development of the College Student Financial Assistance Information Management System

吴 琼  张养力

数字化多媒体教室管理方式研究··· 753

Research on Digital Multimedia Classroom Management

徐 明  宋 亮  徐世东  尹智勇